中文摘要AbstractContentsChapter One Literature Review1.1 The status quo of translation criticism: home and abroad1.2 The status of Wei Cheng and its author in Chinese literature1.2.1 The status of Wei Cheng1.2.2 The status of Ch'ien chung-shu1.3 Review on the translation criticism of Fortress BesiegedChapter Two Translation Strategies and Methods Adopted in Fortress Besieged2.1 Translation strategies and methods2.1.1 Distinctions between translation strategies and methods2.1.2 Strategies and methods adopted in Fortress Besieged2.1.3 Semantic translation and communicative translation2.2 Determinative factors for translators' option of strategies and methods2.2.1 Text-types and language functions2.2.2 Intention of the author and that of the translator2.2.3 Putative readership of the translationChapter Three Aesthetic Appeal and Stylistic Value in Fortress Besieged3.1 Delicate diction3.2 Elegant rhetorical devices3.2.1 Metaphor3.2.2 Personification3.2.3 Hyperbole3.2.4 Sound effect (rhyme and alliteration)3.2.5 Repetition and parallelism3.3 Profound satire and humorChapter Four Cultural Transmission in Fortress Besieged4.1 Cultural barriers in translation4.1.1 Differences in conceptual meanings of culture-loaded words and expressions4.1.2 Differences in associative meanings of culture-loaded words and expressions4.2 The treatment of various cultural words in Fortress Besieged4.2.1 The translation of customs of marriage4.2.2 The translation of superstition and divination4.2.3 The translation of social addressing4.2.4 The translation of euphemism and taboosConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgment
标签:翻译批评论文; 围城论文; 策略论文; 审美诉求论文; 文化传递论文;