
摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Purposes of the Study1.3 Overview of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Studies of Language Learning Strategies2.2.1 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies2.2.2 Classifications of Language Learning Strategies2.2.2.1 Rubin’s (1987) Classification of Language Learning Strategies2.2.2.2 Oxford’s (1990) Classification of Language Learning Strategies2.2.2.3 O’Malley & Chamot’s (1990) Classification of Language Learning Strategies2.2.2.4 Cohen’s (2000) Classification of Language Learning Strategies2.2.3 Factors Influencing the Choice of Language Learning Strategies2.2.3.1 Environmental Factors2.2.3.2 Individual Factors2.3 Reading Strategies2.3.1 Definitions of Reading Strategies2.3.2 Classifications of Reading Strategies2.3.3 Review of Empirical Studies on English Reading StrategiesChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Research Questions3.3 Subjects3.4 Instruments3.4.1 Questionnaire Concerning English Reading3.4.2 Three Reading Proficiency Tests3.5 Data-collection3.6 Data-analysisChapter 4 Reporting Results and Discussion4.1 Introduction4.2 General Characteristics of Reading Strategies Used by HVTC Students4.3 Correlations Between Reading Strategy Use and Reading Proficiency4.4 Variations in Use of the Reading Strategies by the Subjects of Different Reading Proficiency4.5 Variations in Use of the Three Categories of Reading Strategies by Each Group4.5.1 Comparison of the Three Categories of Reading Strategies Used by Good Readers4.5.2 Comparison of the Three Categories of Reading Strategies Used by Poor Readers4.6 The Effect of Gender, English Proficiency and Reading Motivation on Reading Strategy Use4.7 Gender and Reading Strategy Use4.8 Reading Motivation and Reading Strategy Use4.8.1 Relationship Between Reading Motivation and Reading Strategy Use4.8.2 Differences in Use of Reading Strategies by the Subjects at Different Reading Motivational LevelsChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Introduction5.2 Major Findings of the Study5.3 Pedagogical Implications of the Study5.3.1 Reorientating Teachers’Roles in Teaching of Reading Strategies5.3.2 Guiding Students to Have a Positive Reading Motivation5.4 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future ResearchAcknowledgementsNoteBibliographyAchievementsAppendixAAppendixBAppendixCAppendixDAppendixE
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标签:高职高专学生论文; 英语阅读策略论文; 影响因素论文;