中文摘要Abstract中文文摘SynopsisIntroductionChapter One A Brief Review of Studies on Communicative Competence and Teaching Methodologies1.1 Communication and Communicative Competence1.1.1 The definition of communication1.1.2 Communicative Competence1.1.3 Oral communicative competence1.2 Teaching methodologies associated with Spoken English1.3 Theoretical basis for Communicative Approach1.3.1 Malinowki's concept of context1.3.2 Firth's concept of context of situation1.3.3 Halliday's register theory1.4.Characteristics of Communicative Approach1.4.1 Interactional view of language1.4.2.Discourse1.4.3 Social-cultural contexts and appropriateness1.4.4 Fluency and accuracy1.4.5 Student-centered teaching modelChapter Two Current Classroom Situations of Oral Teaching in Middle Schools2.1 Data collection and results2.2 Analysis and discussion2.2.1 Too much focus on linguistic competence2.2.2 Mainly teacher-centered and inadequate classroom interactions2.2.3 Lack of introduction to foreign language culture2.2.4 Lack of cultivation of students'motivation and interest2.3 SummaryChapter Three Effective Teaching Methods3.1 Developing the discourse competence of students3.1.1 Providing appropriate input3.1.2 Associating previous knowledge and experience with present concerns3.1.3 Dealing with the words and expressions in communicative and authentic ways3.1.4 Summary3.2 Setting up the learner-centered model3.2.1 Reorienting the roles of teachers and students3.2.2 Increasing effective interactions in English classroom3.3 Improving intercultural communicative competence3.3.1 Introducing cultural background knowledge into classroom teaching3.3.2 Introducing pragmatic knowledge about the target language3.3.3 Assimilating foreign culture outside the classroom3.4 A teaching experiment in detail3.4.1 Background3.4.2 Teaching principles3.4.3 SummaryConclusionReferencesAppendixAcknowledgements
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标签:课堂教学论文; 口语交际能力论文; 交际法论文; 教学方法论文;