
戏剧是一种以表演为目的的文学艺术形式。它可以反映不同国家的文化,历史以及宗教等方面的特点。中国戏剧在漫长的发展过程中形成了自己独特的风格,堪称中华文学之瑰宝。对于译者来说,如何将中国戏剧中的文化美以及语言美传达给目的语读者应当成为重中之重。然而,纵观中外文学史,戏剧翻译这一领域一直鲜有涉及。究其原因,可以归结为戏剧的两重性:文学性和舞台表演性。这一两重性决定了唯有通过舞台表演,戏剧的内涵方能得以淋漓尽致的表达,这与传统的翻译大相径庭。正如不同的文学体裁需要采取不同的翻译策略,戏剧翻译这一独特的文体需要译者在翻译过程中,充分考虑其文学性和舞台艺术性,采取适当的翻译策略。本文旨在探讨基于功能对等理论,戏剧翻译中的文化因素如何传递。鉴于此,文章分析了中国戏剧《西厢记》的两个英译本,即中国学者许渊冲的Romance of The Western Bower和西方翻译家Stephen West和Wilt L. Idema的The Story of The West Wing。
AcknowledgementAbstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseIntroductionChapter I Culture and Translation1.1 Culture1.1.1 Definition of culture1.1.2 Features of culture1.2 Translation1.2.1 Descriptions of translation1.2.2 Evolving attitudes towards translation1.2.3 Categories of translation1.3 Culture and translationChapter II Drama and drama translation2.1 Definition and classification of drama2.2 How to appreciate drama2.3 Drama translation2.3.1 Process of drama translation2.3.2 Difficulties of drama translation2.3.3 Basic requirements of drama translation2.3.4 Linguistic and extra linguistic factors in drama translation2.3.5 Drama translation approaches based on its dual nature2.4 ConclusionChapter III Nida’s Translation Theory: Functional Equivalence3.1 General introduction3.2 The Essence of Functional Equivalence3.3 Principles for producing functional equivalence3.4 Emphasis on receptors in drama translation3.5 Adaptation during practical translationChapter IV Literature Review4.1 Introduction to Xixiang Ji4.1.1 Authorial introduction4.1.2 Drama plot4.1.3 Popularity of Xixiang Ji4.1.4 Genre introduction: Zaju4.1.4.1 Structure4.1.4.2 Tune: Music and songs4.1.4.3 Roles in Zaju4.1.4.4 Stage performance4.2 English version of Xixiang Ji4.2.1 The English translation of Xixiang Ji4.2.2 Translators’ profileChapter V Case study: how to deal with cultural elements in drama translation——Romance of the Western Bower and The Story of The West Wing based on Functional Equivalence theory5.1 Words concerning religion5.2 Altered quotations5.2.1 Altered quotations related to Book of Poetry5.2.2 Altered quotations related to Analects5.2.3 Quotations concerning Chinese myths or legends5.3 Idioms and proverbs5.4 Words or phrases of Chinese convention5.5 Puns5.6 Translation of drama tunes5.7 Structural beauty: translation styleConclusionBibliography
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标签:文化论文; 戏剧论文; 翻译论文; 功能对等论文; 西厢记论文; 许渊冲论文;
基于功能对等理论的戏剧翻译 ——浅析《西厢记》的两个英译本