对现代文明的反叛 ——论《廊桥遗梦》的隐含主题

对现代文明的反叛 ——论《廊桥遗梦》的隐含主题




  • Acknowledgements
  • English Abstract
  • 中文摘要
  • Contents
  • Chapter One Introduction
  • Chapter Two Inner Struggle—The Struggle between Individual's Instinctive Desire and Modern Civilization
  • 2.1.Introduction of Freud's theory of psychoanalysis
  • 2.2 Essence of inner struggle: irreconcilable struggle between id and superego
  • 2.3 The inner struggle and psychological change of Francesca
  • 2.3.1 Beginning: release of repressed id after meeting Kincaid
  • Release of repressed id: release of individual's instinctive desire
  • Superego: still predominating over id in the beginning
  • 2.3.2 Climax: temporary victory of id over superego
  • 2.3.3 Ending: superego repressing id
  • 2.4 The inner struggle and psychological change of Kincaid
  • 2.5 Conclusion of this chapter
  • Chapter Three Kincaid and Francesca—the Author's Spokesman of Rebellion against Modern Civilization
  • 3.1 The characterization of Kincaid-revealing the author's rebellion against modern civilization
  • 3.1.1 Similarities between the author Robert James Waller and the hero Robert Kincaid
  • 3.1.2 Uniqueness of Kincaid's character: rebellion against modern civilization
  • Unsociable, alienated from his contemporary men and modern society
  • Dissatisfaction with the highly commercialized modern society
  • Dissatisfaction with the highly organized modern society
  • Negative attitude towards modern science and technology
  • 3.1.3 Conclusion of Kincaid's character
  • 3.2 The characterization of Francesca-rebellion against modern civilization
  • 3.2.1 Girlhood dream: revealing her instinctive desire and rebellious spirit
  • 3.2.2 Discrepancy between girlhood dream and reality: irreconcilable struggle between individual's instinctive desire and modern civilization
  • 3.2.3 Final choice: revealing the great influence of modern civilization on individual's instinctive desire
  • Special awareness of social influence: revealing the great restrictions of modern civilization over the individual
  • revealing the great influence of modern civilization on individual's instinctive desire
  • 3.2.4 Conclusion of Francesca's character
  • Chapter Four The Author's Writing Techniques--Enhancing His Rebellion against Modern Civilization
  • 4.1 Multiple point of view-expressing rebellion against modern civilization through different perspectives
  • 4.1.1 The author in the first person point of view: expressing his rebellious attitude towards modern civilization
  • 4.1.2 Michael and Carolyn: expressing the author's rebellious attitude toward modern civilization through their opinion on the story
  • 4.1.3 Kincaid's mother: revealing Kincaid's rebellious character through his mother's view
  • 4.1.4 Francesca: revealing Kincaid's rebellious character through Francesca's view
  • 4.1.5 The Editor in National Geographic: revealing Kincaid's rebellious character through the editor's view
  • 4.1.6 Nighthawk Cumming's recollection of Kincaid's last period in life: revealing the inevitable outcome of the struggle between individual's instinctive desire and modern civilization
  • 4.1.7 Conclusion of multiple point of view
  • 4.2 Use of symbolic images: serving to reveal Kincaid's irreconcilability with modern civilization
  • 4.2.1 Cowboy: wild, alienated from modern civilization, close to nature
  • 4.2.2 Leopard: wild, free from restrictions of modern civilization
  • 4.2.3 Peregrine: wild, free from restrictions of modern civilization, irreconcilable with modern civilization
  • 4.2.4 Conclusion of symbolic images
  • 4.3 Diction: use of scientific terms in literary writing-serving to reveal the author's negative attitude towards modern science and technology
  • 4.4 Conclusion of this chapter
  • Chapter Five Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Appendix
  • 相关论文文献

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    对现代文明的反叛 ——论《廊桥遗梦》的隐含主题
