摘要ABSTRACT前言ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Aims1.2 The Motivation and Significance of the Study1.3 The Structure of the Thesis1.4 Research Design1.4.1 Research Questions1.4.2 Research Methodology1.4.3 Data Analysis ProceduresChapter Two Theoretical Foundation2.1 Historical Review of Intertextuality2.1.1 Bakhtin2.1.2 Julia Kristeva2.1.3 Roland Barthes2.1.4 Fairclough2.1.5 Jacques Derrida2.1.6 Don Fowler2.2 Intertextual Study by Other Scholars2.3 The Development of the Term "Intertextuality"2.4 The Classification of Intertextuality2.5 Text and IntertextualityChapter Three The Intertextual Property of Advertising Language3.1 A General Study of Advertising3.1.1 Definition of Advertising and Text3.1.2 Aims of Advertising3.1.3 Types of Advertising Language3.1.4 Breaking Fantasy of Producing Advertisements with "Originality"3.1.5 Cultural Background Influencing the Advertising Effect3.2 Types of Intertextual Techniques Employed in Printed Advertisements3.2.1 Quotation3.2.1.1 The Definition of Quotation3.2.1.2 The Application of Quotation in Advertising Language3.2.2 Allusion3.2.2.1 The Definition of Allusion3.2.2.2 The Application of Allusion in Advertising Language3.2.3 Parody3.2.3.1 The Definition of Parody3.2.3.2 The Application of Parody in Advertising Language3.3 Intertextuality Showed in the Image Form of AdvertisementChapter Four Application of Intertextual Techniques in Advertisements4.1 Other Functions of Intertextuality in Advertising Language4.1.1 Employing Intertextual Techniques Effectively4.1.2 Impressing the Customers4.1.3 Improving the Aesthetic Effect of the Advertisement4.1.4 Contributing to the Transmission of Advertising texts4.1.5 Enriching the Varied Expressing Forms of Advertisements4.1.6 Promoting the Integrated Instruction4.2 Double Focus of Intertextuality4.3 The Relativity of IntertextualityChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Limitation of the Study5.3 Enlightenment Elicited by the Use of Intertextual Techniques in Advertisements5.3.1 The Re-thought of the Combination of Former Elements5.3.2 Paying Close Attention to the Popular Culture5.3.3 Awareness of the Phenomenon of the Misunderstanding of Intertextuality5.4 Suggestions for Further StudyBibliography
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