AcknowledgementsTranscription ConventionsAbstract内容摘要Chapter One Introduction1. The Origin of the Study2. The Aims and Rational of the Study3. The Layout of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review1. Introduction2. A Brief and Critical Review of Chinese Culture Studies2.1 The Soul of Traditional Chinese Culture: Chinese Philosophy2.2 Grass-rooted Culture Studies2.3 Chinese Women Studies2.4 Customs and Habits in Chinese Social Life3. Originality of My Research3.1 Combining Culture and Discourse Studies3.2 Specialty of the ResearchChapter Three Theoretical Framework1. Introduction2. Interpretations of Theories2.1 Discourse, Culture and Sentiment2.1.1 Notions of Discourse2.1.2 Discourse and Culture2.1.3 Sentiment as Discursive Practice and Social-cultural Construct2.2 Feminine Knowledge3. Writing and Analytical Framework to NarrativesChapter Four Research Methodology1. Rationale of Research Methods2. Ethnography as Concrete Approach to Cultural Studies3. Experiences of Data Collection3.1 Failure of Gathering Valid Data3.2 Second Attempting and Getting on the Right Track3.3 The Climax Period3.3.1 Difficulties in the New Research3.3.2 The Art of Unstructured Interview3.3.2.1 Making Full Use of Relationships3.3.2.2 Respecting Your Interviewees3.3.3 Phenomenological Approach to Participant Observation3.3.4 Writing as an Inquiry3.3.5 Discussion as a Reflection and Complement3.3.6 Research Ethics4. Data Analysis4.1 Analyzing the Data while Collecting4.2 Be ReflexiveChapter 5 Data Representation and Analysis1. Introduction2. Brief Introduction of Narrative2.1 Rationality for Storytelling: Life is a Narrative2.2 The Functions of Empathy in Narrative2.3 My Approach to Senior Women's Sentimental Narrative Reorganization3. Story Representation: Sai-gu in Senior Women's Life3.1 Granma Xue Lian3.2 Granma Yu Jiao3.3 Granma Su Zhen3.4 Granma Chun XiangChapter Six Discussion1. Introduction2. Interpretation of the Language of Religion3. The Harmonious Way of Knowing—Women's Intelligibility3.1 Intelligibility to the Traditional and Modern Culture3.2 Intelligibility to the Harmony of the Body and the MindChapter Seven Implications and ConclusionBibliographyAppendicesAppendix 1: An Interview with Yu JiaoAppendix 2: An Interview with Chun Xiang's NeighborsAppendix 3: An Interview with Su ZhenAppendix 4: The Song of Tongyangxi Sang by Xue LianAppendix 5: Sample Journals
标签:伤感话语论文; 女性认知论文; 文化研究论文;