ABSTRACT内容摘要Chapter I Introduction1.1 Definitions1.2 Background of IPP of CTKChapter II Problems in IPP of CTK2.1 Too Many Aspects of Traditional Knowledge2.2 Unreasonable National Legislation and Noneffective Execution2.2.1 No specialized Legislation on Protection of CTK2.2.2 Defects in China's Legislation Being Abused2.2.3 Noneffective and Nonstrict Execution2.3 Copious Application Procedures2.4 Little Consideration on Protection of CTK2.5 Weakening Status of CTK2.5.1 Less Popularity of Some CTK2.5.2 CTK's Commonality2.5.3 Inappropriate ProtectionsChapter III Reasons behind Problems3.1 Economic factor: Imbalance between Short Term Cost and Long Term Benefit3.2 Political factor: Weak Negotiation Status of China in the World3.3 Social factor: Prevalence of OEM in China3.4 Systematic Factor: No institutions specialized in evaluating and protecting CTK and its IP3.5 International Factor: GlobalizationChapter IV Examples and Suggestions4.1 The Practice of Protection of TK in Foreign Countries4.1.1 Practice in America4.1.2 Practices in Japan4.2 Suggestions and Countermeasures4.2.1 Develop Economy and Upgrade Industrial Structure4.2.2 Encourage Innovation4.2.3 Take Actions Right Now4.2.4 Take Advantage of MediaChapter V Conclusions5.1 Outlook of IPP of CTK5.1.1 Revivification of CTK5.1.2 Enterprises and Mass Becoming the Main Force5.1.3 World Culture Becoming Multivariable5.2 Challenges Faced by IPP of CTK5.2.1 More Complicate International Rules and Practices5.2.2 More Difficult to Protect CTK in Foreign Countries5.2.3 Tampering of GlobalizationREFERENCESAPPENDIXACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
标签:传统文化论文; 知识产权论文; 全球化背景论文;