摘要AbstractList of TablesIntroductionChapter 1 Analysis of Brand Names1.1 Nature of Brand Name1.2 Function of Brand Name1.2.1 Informative Function1.2.2 Aesthetic Function1.2.3 Vocative Function1.3 Difficulties in Brand Name TranslationChapter 2 Reception Aesthetics and Brand Name Translation2.1 The Theoretical Origins and Development of Reception Aesthetics2.2 The Core Concepts of Reception Aesthetics2.3 Reception Aesthetics as GuidanceChapter 3 Comparative Study of English and ChineseBrand Names3.1 Linguistic Comparison of Brand Names3.1.1 Phonetic Comparison of Brand Names3.1.2 Morphological Expectation of Brand Name3.1.3 Semantic Expectation of Brand Names3.2 Cultural Comparison of Brand Names3.2.1 Cultural Comparison in Self- construal3.2.2 Cultural Comparison in Motivation Drives3.2.3 Cultural Comparison in ContextChapter 4 Principles and Methods for Brand Name Translation4.1 Principles of Brand Name Translation4.1.1 Respecting Translator's Subjectivity4.1.2 Satisfying Reader's Horizon of Expectation4.1.3 Fulfilling the General Requirements of a Good Brand Name4.2 Methods of Brand Name Translation4.2.1 Literal Translation4.2.2 Transliteration4.2.3 SynthesisConelusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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