摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.1.1 The Inevitable Requests of English Teachers' Professional Quality Development in the Elementary Education Curriculum Reform1.1.2 Educational Reform Development at Home and Abroad Sets the New Requests to English Teachers1.1.3 The Inevitable Requirement for Constructing a High Quality English Teacher Troops1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study1.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Bases2.1 Reflective Teaching2.1.1 The Definition of Reflective Teaching2.1.2 Structure of Reflective Teaching2.1.2.1 The Contents of Reflective Teaching2.1.2.2 The Levels of Reflective Teaching2.1.2.3 The Types of Reflective Teaching2.2 Reflective Teaching Research at Home and Abroad2.2.1 Reflective Teaching Research Abroad2.2.2 Reflective Teaching Research at Home2.3 Theoretical Basis of Reflective Teaching2.3.1 Constructivism learning Theory2.3.2 Behavioral TheoriesChapter Three Research Design3.1 Research Questions3.2 Research Subjects3.2.1 Selection of Research Subjects3.3 Research Methods3.3.1 Literature Methods3.3.2 Interview3.3.3 Questionnaire3.4 Research ProceduresChapter Four Data Analysis4.1 The Basic Analysis of Teachers4.2 Teachers' Attitude towards the Curriculum Reform and Training4.3 The Present Teaching Situation of Rural English Teachers4.4 The Rural English Teachers' Self-evaluation4.5 Teacher's Reflective Phase,Ways and Influential Factors4.6 English Teachers' Degree of ReflectionChapter Five Major Findings5.1 The Present Situation of English Teachers' Reflective Teaching5.1.1 English Teachers' Reflective Consciousness is Light and the Purpose of Reflection is not Definite5.1.2 English Teachers Prefer to Reflect Their Teaching Skills5.1.3 English Teachers Haven't Fully Realized the Integrity and Periodicity of the Reflective Teaching Process5.1.4 English Teacher' Reflective Form is varied,but it is Short of Network Research5.1.5 English Teacher's Present Reflective Teaching Development is Unbalanced5.2 Influential Factors5.2.1 Traditional Teaching Methodology5.2.2 Teachers' Intrinsic Motivation5.2.3 External Teaching EnvironmentChapter Six Strategies for Improving English Teachers' Reflective Teaching6.1 Carrying out Different Forms of Continuing Education6.2 Enlarging the Educational Expenditure Investment6.3 Strengthening Teaching Communication and CooperationChapter Seven ConclusionBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAcknowledgements
标签:反思性教学论文; 农村中学论文; 英语教师论文; 反思现状论文; 策略论文;
农村中学英语教师反思性教学现状探究 ——以日照市某县几所农村重点中学为例