Abstract摘要1. Introduction1.1 Purpose of the study1.2 Significance of the Study2. Literature Review2.1 The Unaccusative Hypothesis2.1.1 Argument Structure and Related Concepts2.1.2 The Unaccusative Hypothesis2.2 The Unaccusative Diagnostics2.2.1 The Resultative Construction2.2.2 The Causative Alternation2.2.3 The Locative Inversion Construction2.3 Similarities and Differences between Unaccusatives and Passives2.4 The Phenomenon of Overpassivization of Unaccusative Verbs2.5 ErrorAnalysis and Corpus Linguistics2.5.1 Error Analysis2.5.2 Corpus-Based Approach3. Theoretical Framework3.1 Overpassivization of English Unaccusatives in consideration of the Distinction between Unaccusatives and Unergatives3.1.1 The Distinction between Unaccusatives and Unergatives in Argument Structure3.1.2 Overpassivization of Unaccusative Verbs but not Unergative Verbs3.1.3 The Unaccusative Trap Hypothesis and the ‘Passive’Unaccusative Errors3.2. Overpassivization of English Unaccusatives in terms of the Distinction between Alternating and Nonalternating Unaccusatives3.3 Accounts for Overpassivization of English Unaccusatives3.3.1 Previous Accounts of the Passive Unaccusative Errors3.3.1.1 L1 Transfer of Learner’s L13.3.1.2 Overgeneralization of the English Adjectival Passive Formation3.3.1.3 Non-target Lexical Causativization3.3.1.4 Identification of the Lack of a Logical Subject and the be + en3.3.1.5 Non-target Overt Marking of Syntactic NP Movement3.3.2 The Study of Oshita (2000) -to Pursue the Most Plausible Account for Overpassivization of English Unaccusatives4. The Corpus Study4.1 Two Research Hypotheses and a Research Question4.2 Corpus Based Approach4.2.1 Data4.2.2 Retrieving Tool4.3 Procedure of the Study4.3.1 Stage One: Identifying the Frequency of the Overpassivization Errors with Unaccusatives in CLEC (Following the Error-tagging of CLEC)4.3.2 Stage Two: Investigating the Syntactic Distribution of Some Chosen Unaccusative Verbs in CLEC –a Replication of Oshita (2000)4.4 Data Collection and Results4.4.1 The Frequency of the Overpassivization Errors with Unaccusatives in CLEC (Following the Error-tagging of CLEC) The Frequency of the Overpassivization Errors with English Intransitives: Unaccusatives vs. Unergatives4.4.1.2 The Frequency of the Overpassivization Errors with Unaccusatives: Nonalternating vs. Alternating4.4.2 The Syntactic Distribution of the Chosen 13 Unaccusative Verbs in CLEC4.4.2.1 The Selection of the 8 Nonalternating Unaccusatives and the 5 Alternating Unaccusatives4.4.2.2 The Syntactic Distribution of the Eight Nonalternating Unaccusative Verbs4.4.2.3 The Syntactic Distribution of the Five Alternating Unaccusative Verbs4.4.2.4 The Overpassivization Errors with Preselected UnergativeVerbs5. Discussion5.1 Unaccusatives vs. Unergatives, and Accessibility to UG5.2 Alternating Unaccusatives vs. Nonalternating Unaccusatives and Their Different Learnability Problems5.3 The Ultimate Cause of the ‘Passive’Unaccusatives: to Re-examine the Previous Analyses of the Overpassivization Phenomenon5.3.1 Rejecting the Transfer Account.5.3.2 Rejecting the Causativization Account5.3.3 Supporting the NPMovement Account6. Conclusions, Pedagogical Implications and Recommendations for Furture Research6.1 Conclusions6.2 Pedagogical Implications6.3 Recommendations for Furture ResearchReferencesAppendixⅠ The 83 Cases of ‘Passive’Unaccusative Error in CLEC (Following the Error-tagging of CLEC)AppendixⅡ The 29 Cases of Overpassivization with the 8 Nonalternating Unaccusative Verbs in CLECApendix Ⅲ The 94 Cases of Overpassivization with the 5 Alternating Unaccusative Verbs in CLECAcknowledgements
标签:非宾格动词论文; 泛被动化论文; 失误分析论文; 可习得性论文;