




  • Abstract
  • Abstract in English
  • Abstract in Chinese
  • Chapter one- Introduction
  • 1-1 Definition
  • 1-2 Epidemiological aspects of LBP
  • 1-3 Allopathic and Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment of Low back pain
  • 1-4 Causes of Low Back Pain according to Western Medicine and Chinese medicine
  • 1-4-1 Western medicine causes
  • 1-4-2 Causes of low back pain according to Chinese medicine
  • 1-4-2-a Kidney Yang deficiency
  • 1-4-2-b Kidney Yin deficiency
  • 1-4-2-c Sprain of the back
  • 1-4-2-d Cold dampness in lower back
  • 1-4-2-e Blood stasis in the back
  • 1-4-2-f Invasion of wind-cold
  • 1-4-2-g Kidney Qi deficiency
  • 1-5 Why should we do this research
  • Chapter two-Review of the literature
  • 2-1 Acupuncture for the treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain
  • 2-2 Acupuncture based on time
  • 2-2-a Introduction
  • 2-2-b Section One:Introduction to Gan-Zh
  • 2-2-c Section Two:Matching of Gan-Zhi
  • 2-2-d Section 3:Hour prescription of points
  • 2-2-e Section 4:Eightfold method of sacred tortoise
  • 2-2-f Section 5 Eightfold method for convenience(Feiteng)
  • 2-2-g New researches on time method acupuncture
  • 2-3 Low back pain tisk factors
  • 2-3-1 Age
  • 2-3-2 Smoking
  • 2-3-3 Body weight
  • 2-3-4 Depression factor
  • 2-3-5 Education
  • 2-3-6 Patient's gender
  • 2-4 Summary of literature review
  • Chapter three-Methods and Materials
  • 3-1 Objectives
  • 3-1-1 General objective
  • 3-1-2 Specific objective
  • 3-1-3 Questions of thesis
  • 3-1-4 Hypothesis of research
  • 3-2 Study design
  • 3-2-1 The title and kind of the research
  • 3-2-2 Location of research
  • 3-3 Outcome and variables assessment scales for all three part of research
  • 3-3-1 Pain
  • 3-3-2 Duration of treatment
  • 3-3-3 Relapse of pain
  • 3-3-4 Absenteeism factor
  • 3-3-5 Depression
  • 3-3-6 Obesity
  • 3-3-7 The educational level
  • 3-3-8 Age
  • 3-3-9 Smoking
  • 3-3-10 Gender
  • 3-4 Ethical issue
  • 3-5 Analysis the data
  • Chapter four- Results
  • 4-1 The patients'Characteristics
  • 4-2 Statistical calculations
  • Chapter five- Discussion
  • 5-1 Analysis of statistical
  • 5-1-1 Clinical trial part
  • 5-1-2 Case- Control part
  • 5-1-3 Case series part
  • 5-2 Confluent point mechanism
  • Chapter six- Conclusion
  • References
  • Acknowledgement
  • Appendix
  • 相关论文文献

    • [1].多元时间针法治腹水经验[J]. 辽宁中医杂志 2010(S1)
    • [2].关节松动术配合灵龟八法治疗膝骨性关节炎40例[J]. 河南中医 2015(08)
    • [3].时间针灸学理论探源[J]. 成都中医药大学学报 2015(02)

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