Synopsis摘要AbbreviationsList of FiguresIntroduction0.1 Background and Purpose of This Study0.2 Rationale for Choosing This Topic0.2.1 Why Discourse Analysis?0.2.2 Why Functional?0.2.2 Why C-E Translation?0.3 Methodology of This Thesis0.4 Organization of This ThesisChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Discourse/Text1.1.1 The Concept of Discourse/Text1.1.2 Discourse/Text as the Basic Unit of Translation1.2 Functional Discourse Analysis1.3 Related Researches on TranslationChapter 2 Context of Culture and Translation2.1 Context of Culture2.2 Genre2.3 Generic Constraints on TranslationChapter 3 Context of Situation and Translation3.1 Context of Situation3.2 Register3.3 Register Constraints and Translation3.3.1 Register Equivalence in Parallel Texts3.3.2 Register Shift in Parallel TextsChapter 4 Metafunctions and Translation4.1 Metafunctions4.2 Metafunctions as Parameters for Assessing TranslationChapter 5 Semantic Systems and Translation5.1 Transitivity System and Translation5.1.1 The Concept of Transitivity System5.1.2 Relevance of TS to Translation5.1.2.1 Equivalence of Ideational Components in Translation5.1.2.2 Shift of Ideational Components in Translation5.2 Voice System and Translation5.2.1 The Concept of Voice System5.2.2 Relevance of VS to Translation5.2.2.1 Voice Shift for Stylistic Requirements5.2.2.2 Voice Shift for Interpersonal Function5.2.2.3 Voice Shift for Syntactic Requirements5.3 Mood System and Translation5.3.1 The Concept of Mood System5.3.2 Relevance of MS to Translation5.3.2.1 Mood Type Shift in Translation5.3.2.2 Polarity Shift in Translation5.4 Modality System and Translation5.4.1 The Concept of Modality System5.4.2 Relevance of MyS to Translation5.4.2.1 Modality Analysis of STs5.4.2.2 Modality Transfer in TTs5.5 Appraisal System and Translation5.5.1 The Concept of Appraisal System5.5.2 Relevance of AS to Translation5.5.2.1 The Change of Evaluative Meaning5.5.2.2 The Omission of Evaluative Meaning5.6 Theme-rheme System and Translation5.6.1 The Concept of Theme-rheme System5.6.2 Relevance of TrS to Translation5.6.2.1 Thematic Choice in Translation5.6.2.2 Thematic Progression in Translation5.7 Cohesion System and Translation5.7.1 The Concept of Cohesion System5.7.2 Relevance of CS to TranslationConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:汉英翻译论文; 翻译研究论文; 功能语篇分析论文;