作者(2019)在《A Fast Method for Solving the Bagley-Torvik Equation with Time Delay as Delay Differential Equations of Integer Order》一文中研究指出:A method of solving the Bagley-Torvik equation with time delay has been presented in this article, which is based on the physical meaning of that equation and thus avoid the history dependence of it.T
A method of solving the Bagley-Torvik equation with time delay has been presented in this article, which is based on the physical meaning of that equation and thus avoid the history dependence of it.T
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标签:2019 International Conference on Modeling; Analysis; Simulation Technologies and Applications (MASTA 2019)2019-05-26论文;
:A Fast Method for Solving the Bagley-Torvik Equation with Time Delay as Delay Differential Equations of Integer Order论文