Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction to the Study1.2 Rationale of the Study1.3 Data Collection and Research Method1.4 Organization of the Thesis1.5 SummaryChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 A Working Definition of Vague Language2.2 Comparison of Some Confusing Terms2.2.1 Vagueness vs Fuzziness2.2.2 Vagueness vs Generality2.2.3 Vagueness vs Ambiguity2.3 Justifications for the Study of Vague Language in Pragmatics2.4 Theoretical Prerequisites2.4.1 Linguisitc Adaptation Theory2.4.2 Face Theory2.5 An Overview of Business Correspondence2.6 SummaryChapter 3 Pragmatic Analysis of Vague Language in English Business Correspondence3.1 Application of Linguistic Adaptation Theory to the Analysis of Vague Language in English Business Correspondence3.1.1 General Situations of Adopting Vague Language in Communication3.1.2 Specific Contexts of Adopting Vague Language in English Business Correspondence3.2 Application of Face Theory to the Analysis of Vague Language in English Business Correspondence3.2.1 Politeness and Vague Language in English Business Correspondence3.2.2 Addresser's Face and Vague Language in English Business Correspondence3.2.3 Addressee's Face and Vague Language in English Business Correspondence3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language in English Business Correspondence4.1 Positive Functions of Vague Language in English Business Correspondence4.1.1 Increasing the Appropriateness of Business Language4.1.2 Enhancing the Flexibility of Business Communication4.1.3 Deliberately Withholding Information4.1.4 Mitigating the Face-threatening Effects4.1.5 Self-protection4.1.6 Indicating You-attitude4.2 Negative Functions of Vague Language in English Business Correspondence4.3 SummaryChapter 5 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
标签:模糊语言论文; 英文商务信函论文; 语言顺应论论文; 面子理论论文;