English AbstractChinese AbstractTable of ContentsList of Figures and TablesChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Purposes of the present study1.3 Methodology1.4 Research questions1.5 Outline of the paperChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Research on dictation2.1.1 Development of dictation2.1.2 Process of dictation2.1.2.1 The Psycholinguistic Perspective2.1.2.2 Celce-Murcia's (1995) Interactive Model2.1.2.3 Oller's (1971) Model2.1.3 Types of dictation2.1.3.1 Sawyer and Silver's (1961) classification2.1.3.2 Oller's (1979) classification2.1.4 Research on English dictation in China2.1.5 Research on dictation abroad2.2 Research on dicto-comp2.3 Research on classroom tests2.3.1 Research on informal quiz2.3.2 Research on formal achievement test2.4 Research on process of test-takingChapter Ⅲ Methodology in the present study3.1 Overview3.2 Participants3.3 Test material3.4 Testing procedure3.5 Marker training3.6 Data collection3.6.1 Scoring the dicto-comp quiz, the final quiz and the final examination3.6.2 Written protocol data3.7 Data analysis3.7.1 Analysis of the written protocol data from the dicto-comp quiz3.7.2 Statistical analyses of the final quiz and the final examChapter Ⅳ Result analyses and discussions4.1 Overview4.1.1 Result analysis of the written report data4.1.2 Discussion4.2 Result analyses of the final classroom quiz, final examination and the dicto-comp quiz4.2.1 Statistical analyses of the three tests4.2.1.1 Descriptive statistics4.2.1.2 Reliability of the final quiz and the final examination4.2.1.3 Relationship between the dicto-comp quiz and the final tests4. Correlation coefficients of the dicto-comp quiz with the other parts of the final quiz and the final examination4. Factor analysis4.2.2 DiscussionChapter Ⅴ Summary5.1 Significance of the present study5.2 Limitations of the present study5.3 Pedagogical implications of the study5.4 Suggestions for further research in this fieldBibliographyAppendix发表文章目录Acknowledgements个人简况及联系方式
标签:听写作文论文; 笔头自陈报告论文; 因素分析论文; 相关分析论文; 语言层次论文;