致谢摘要Abstract1 绪论1.1 研究意义( Research Significance)1.2 研究现状(Research Status)1.2.1 岩体时效的影响因素(Factors of Affecting the Rock Timeliness)1.2.2 岩石蠕变特性研究概况(Summary of Creep Properties of Rock)1.2.3 圆形巷道围岩应力的弹塑性分析(Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis of Surrounding Rock of Circular Roadway)1.2.4 圆形巷道围岩变形的粘弹性分析(Viscoelastic Deformation Analysis of Surrounding Rock of Circular Roadway)1.3 研究目标 (Research Object)1.4 研究内容 (Research Content)1.5 研究方法和技术路线(Research Approaches and Technique Course)2 岩石蠕变与渗流的基本理论2.1 岩石流变的基本概念( Basic Concept of Rock Rhology)2.2 岩石蠕变的基本理论(Basic Theory of Rock Creep)2.2.1 元件流变模型(Element Rheology Model)2.2.2 凯尔文模型(Kelvin Model)2.2.3 麦克斯维模型(Maxwell Model)2.2.4 鲍埃丁一汤姆逊模型(Poynting-Thomson Model)2.2.5 伯格模型(Burger Model)2.2.6 粘塑性模型(Viscous-plastic Model)2.2.7 粘弹塑性模型(Viscous-elastic-plastic Model)2.3 岩石渗流的基本理论[152-158](Basic Theory of Rock Seepage)2.3.1 岩体(石)渗流的基本概念(Basic Concepts of Flow in Rock)2.3.2 Darcy 定律(Darcy Law)2.3.3 渗透系数及渗透率(Permeating Coefficient and Permeability)2.3.4 非 Darcy 渗流(Non-Darcy Flow)2.4 连续性方程(Continuity Equation)2.5 状态方程(State Equation)2.5.1 液体的状态方程(State Equation of Liquid)2.5.2 气体的状态方程(State Equation of Gas)2.5.3 岩石的状态方程(State Equation of Rock)2.6 有效应力方程(Effective Stress Equation)3 破碎岩石变形时效性试验研究3.1 概述(Introduction)3.2 试验原理与方法(Test Principles and Methods)3.2.1 试验设备(Test Equipment)3.2.2 试样及试验方案 (Samples and Test Scheme)3.3 试验结果及分析(Test results and Analysis)3.3.1 各级应力水平下的孔隙度时间历程曲线(Porosity of time course curves under different stress level)3.3.2 相同应力水平下不同含水状态的岩样孔隙率时间曲线(Porosity-Time Curve of Rock Samples with Different Water-Bearing State Under The Same Stress Level)3.3.3 各级应力水平下终点孔隙度与轴向应力关系曲线(Porosity-Axial Stress Curve at the End Point Under Different Stress Levels)3.3.4 孔隙度随时间变化的拟合关系(Fitting Relations of Porosity Varing with Time)3.3.5 孔隙度的变化率随时间变化的关系曲线(Time Course Curves of Porosity Changing Rate )3.4 渗流时间历程曲线(Seepage Time Course Curves)3.5 侧限条件下碎石的蠕变模型及其参数确定(The Creep Model and the Determination of Parameters of Broken Rock under Lateral Constraint)3.5.1 基本模型(Basic Models)3.5.2 传统组合模型(Tranditional Combined Model)3.5.3 模型参数确定(Model Parameters Determination)3.6 试验误差及分析(Test Error and Analysis)3.7 试验结果对理论分析和计算的支持(Support of the Test Results to Theory Analysis and Caculation)3.8 本章小结(Summary)4 巷道整体及局部支护下的围岩应力场4.1 圆形巷道围岩的弹性应力场分析(Elastic Stress Field Analysis of Circular Roadways Surrounding Rock)4.1.1 巷道整体平衡支护时围岩的弹性应力场(Elastic Stress Field of The Roadways Surrounding Rock under Whole Balanced Support)4.1.2 巷道局部支护时围岩的弹性应力场(Elastic Stress Field of Roadways Surrounding Rock under Local Support)4.1.3 巷道局部弱支护下围岩的应力场(Stress Field of Roadways Surrounding Rock under Local Weak Support)4.2 圆形巷道围岩弹塑性应力场分析(Elastic-Plastic Stress Field Analysis to Circular Roadways Surrounding Rock )4.2.1 径向应力为第一主应力的弹塑性应力场(Elastic-Plastic Stress Field when Radical Stress Is as the First Principle Stress)4.2.2 环向应力为第一主应力的弹塑性应力场(Elastic-Plastic Stress Field when Tangential is as the First Principle Stress)4.3 本章小结 (Summary)5 巷道围岩变形的粘弹性分析5.1 无支护时巷道围岩变形的粘弹性分析(Visco-elastic Deformation Analysis of Roadway Surrounding Rock with No Supporting)5.2 整体平衡支护下围岩与支护系统的粘弹性分析(Viscoelastic Analysis to the System of Surrounding Rock and Liner under Whole Balance Supporting )5.2.1 衬砌变形的粘弹性分析(Viscoelastic Analysis of liner deformation)5.2.2 围岩变形的粘弹性分析(Viscoelastic Analysis of Surrounding Rock Deformation)5.2.3 围岩与衬砌交界面上的相互作用力(Interaction Force on the Interface between Surrounding Rock and Liner)5.2.4 围岩与衬砌交界面上位移时效性研究( Timelines Study of Displacements on Interface between Surrounding Rock and Liner )5.3 局部弱支护下巷道围岩的应变分析(Strain Analysis of Roadway Surroundaing Rock under local weak Supporting)5.3.1 围岩正应变随角度的变化规律(Changing Law of Normal Strain of Surrounding Rock with Circumferential Angle)5.3.2 围岩正应变随半径的变化规律(Changing Law of Normal Strains of Surrounding Rock with Radius )5.3.3 围岩剪应变随半径及角度的变化规律(Changing Law of Shearing Strains of Surrounding Rock with Radius and Angle )5.3.4 围岩内点的径向位移随半径的变化规律(Changing Law of Radial Displacement of Surrounding Rock with Radius)5.4 本章小结(Summary)6 局部弱支护下巷道围岩应力场及其蠕变的数值模拟6.1 数值计算模型(Numeric Calculation Model)6.1.1 FLAC2D 简介(Introduction to FLAC2D )6.1.2 模型特点(Model Features)6.2 数值模拟方案(Model Simulation Scheme)6.3 数值模拟结果及分析( Numeric Simulation Results and Analysis )6.3.1 侧压系数对巷道围岩稳定性的影响 (Influence of the Lateral Pressure Coefficient on the Stability of Roadway Surrounding Rock )6.3.2 弱支护抗力对巷道围岩稳定性的影响( Influence of Weak Supporting Resistance on Stability of Roadway Surrounding Rock )6.3.3 弱支护角度对巷道围岩稳定性的影响( Influence of Weak Supporting Angle on Stability of Roadway Surrounding Rock)6.4 本章小结(Summary)7 渗流作用下围岩应力场及其变形时效性研究7.1 渗流作用下巷道围岩稳定性的弹塑性分析(Elastic-plastic Analysis on Stability of Roadway Supporting Rock under Seepage)7.1.1 渗流场基本方程(Basic Equations of Seepage Field)7.1.2 弹塑性应力场基本方程(Basic Equations of Elastic-plastic Field)7.1.3 孔压作用下围岩应力及位移的分布特点(Distribution Properties of stresses and Displacement of Surrounding Rock under Pore Pressure)7.2 渗流作用下巷道围岩变形的粘弹性分析(Viscoelastic Deformation of Roaddway Surrounding Rock under Seepage)7.2.1 渗流作用下巷道围岩的弹性应力场 (Elastic Stress Field of Surrounding Rock under Seepage)7.2.2 渗流作用下巷道围岩的粘弹性位移(Viscoelastic Displcement of Surrounding Rock under Seepage)7.3 非稳态渗流作用下巷道围岩变形的时效性研究(Deformation Timeliness of Surrounding Rock under Unstable Seepage )7.4 渗流作用下弱支护巷道围岩应力场及蠕变数值模拟(Stress Field of Roadway Surrounding Rock and its Creep Numeric Simulation under Weak Supporting and Seepage)7.4.1 数值计算模型(Numeric Calculation Model)7.4.2 数值模拟方案(Numeric Simulation Scheme)7.4.3 数值模拟结果及分析(Numeric Simulation Results and Analysis)7.5 巷道围岩支护及控制对策研究(Supporting and Controlling measures of Roadway Surrounding Rock)7.5.1 考虑围岩的地质条件和岩性(Considering the geology Condition and Lithology)7.5.2 考虑巷道局部稳定性的差异(Considering the difference of Local Stability of Roadway)7.5.3 考虑水渗流的作用(Considering the Action of Water Flow)7.6 本章小结(Summary)8 主要结论参考文献作者简历学位论文数据集
标签:圆形巷道论文; 局部支护论文; 弱支护论文; 应力场论文; 变形时效性论文; 渗流论文;