中文摘要AbstractContentsFiguresTablesChapter One Introduction1.1 Brief Introduction to the Cultural Background of the Mainland1.2 Brief Introduction to the Cultural Background of Macao1.3 Data collection and Methodology1.4 Motivation of the Thesis1.5 Significance of the Thesis1.6 The Overall Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Brief Introduction to Culture and Translation2.2 Overseas Research2.3 Domestic Research2.4 Problems in the Current ResearchChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Structural Semiotics- Hjelmslev's Semiotics3.2 Interpretative Semiotics - Peirce's Semiotics3.3 Structural and interpretative semiotics - Roman Jakobson's Three Types of TranslationChapter Four Translation Differences between Mainland Chinese and Macao People4.1 Intersemiotic Translation Differences4.1.1 Different Written Forms of Chinese Characters4.1.2 Different Signs for the same things4.2 Interlingual Translation Differences4.2.1 Semantic translation differences4.2.1.1 Expressions with the same part of speech but different meanings4.2.1.2 Expressions Used by Macao People Only4.2.2 Lexical translation differences4.2.2.1 Expressions with Different Signs but the Same Meanings4.2.2.2 Different translation of loanwords4.2.3 Syntactic translation differences4.2.4 Pragmatic translation differences4.3 Intralingual Translation Differences4.3.1 Semantic translation differences4.3.2 Lexical translation differences4.3.2.1 Expressions with Different Order of Characters but the Same Meanings4.3.2.2 Expressions with Different Signs but the Same Meanings4.3.3 Syntactic translation differences4.3.4 Pragmatic translation differencesChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Limitations5.3 SuggestionsNotesBibliographyAcknowledgements
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