Table of contentsList of tablesACKNOWLEDGMENTSAbstract摘要CHAPTERⅠ INTRODUCTION1.1 Statement of the problem1.2 Purpose of the study1.3 Research questions1.4 Methods of the study1.5 Significance of the study1.6 Organization of the thesisCHPATER Ⅱ LITERATURE2.1 Background research on ESL/EFL students’ writing2.1.1 Audio-lingual method on ESL/EFL compositions in 1970s and early 1980s2.1.2 The Expressive and the Cognitive Schools2.1.3 Contrastive rhetoric framework2.2 Theoretical framework2.2.1 The definition of discourse competence2.2.2 Cohesion theory2.2.2.1 The issue of meta-discourse features2.2.2.2 On examining the writing quality2.2.2.3 Implications of writing through coherence and cohesion analyses2.2.2.4 Teaching coherence to EFL/ESL in writing classes2.2.3 The genre theory2.3 Reflection on the teaching of writingCHAPTER Ⅲ METHODOLOGY3.1 Aim of the study3.2 Subjects of study3.3 Experiment procedures3.4 Instruments3.4.1 Qualitative analysis3.4.2 Quantitative analysis3.5 The Implementation of the experiment3.5.1 Research priority of each phase3.5.2 Setting for the final-examinationCHAPTER Ⅳ ANALYSIS AND4.1 Coherence in Chinese EFL students: the cause of deviation at the level of discourse4.2 Enhancing students’awareness of meta-discourse features with teaching techniques4.3 Teaching coherence in writing activities4.4 Genre-based approach practice4.5 Case study for writing with discourse features and genre-based knowledge4.5.1 The case of Chen Baihong4.5.2 The case of Li Yingfang4.5.3 The case of Deng Guo’an4.5.4 The case of Yang Xiaoyun4.6 Data analysis of the students’ writing scoresCHAPTER Ⅴ CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS5.1 Summary of the results for each research question5.2 Implications for L2 writing research5.3 Limitations of the study5.4 Recommendation for further researchBibliographyAppendix AAppendix B
标签:语篇能力论文; 写作教学论文; 初中学生论文;
Enhancing Middle School Students’ Discourse Competence in Efl Writing