中文摘要AbstractChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Research Background1.1.1 Current Situation of College English Writing Teaching1.1.2 Current Situation of College English Writing in Universities1.2 The Purposes of the Study1.3 The Significance of the Study1.4 The Framework of the ThesisChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 The Development of Textbook Evaluation in China2.2 The Development of Textbook Evaluation in Foreign Countries2.2.1 The Development Before 19902.2.2 The Development After 19902.3 The Situation of Textbook Evaluation in ChinaChapter Ⅲ Theoretical Framework3.1 Jo McDonough&Christopher Shaw's Textbook Evaluation Criteria3.1.1 External Evaluation3.1.2 Internal Evaluation3.1.3 Overall Evaluation3.1.3.1 The Usability Factor3.1.3.2 The Generalizability Factor3.1.3.3 The Adaptability Factor3.1.3.4 The Flexibility Factor3.1.4 The Evaluation Criteria Applied in This Thesis3.2 Needs Analysis3.2.1 Definition of Needs3.2.2 Definition of Needs Analysis3.2.3 Hutchinson & Waters' Needs Analysis Theory3.3 Three Important Writing Approaches3.3.1 Process Writing Approach3.3.2 Genre Writing Approach3.3.3 Process-Genre Writing ApproachChapter Ⅳ Research Methodology4.1 Goals of the Study4.2 Research Procedure4.3 The Reasons for Choosing Textbooks4.4 Research Subjects4.5 Research Instruments4.5.1 Questionnaires4.5.1.1 Questionnaires(Needs Analysis) Questionnaires for Teachers4. Questionnaires for Students4.5.1.2 Questionnaires(Textbook Evaluation)4.5.2 Interviews4.5.2.1 Interviews for Teachers4.5.2.2 Interviews for Students4.5.3 Observations4.5.3.1 Observations during the Interviews4.5.3.2 Observations during My Classes4.5.3.3 Observations in Other Teachers' ClassesChapter Ⅴ Results and Discussion5.1 Findings from the Questionnaires5.1.1 Findings from the Questionnaires for Teachers5.1.1.1 Teachers' Teaching Beliefs5.1.1.2 Teachers' Opinions about the Current Textbooks5.1.1.3 Time Organization of Teaching English Writing5.1.1.4 Teachers' Ways of Adapting to the Students' Needs of English Writing5.1.1.5 Ways Preferred by Teachers to Evaluate Students' English Writing Level5.1.1.6 Teachers' Opinions about the Writing Topics in the Textbooks5.1.2 Findings from Questionnaires for Students5.1.2.1 Students' Opinions about the Current Textbooks5.1.2.2 Students' Current English Level5.1.2.3 Students' Needs of Learning English Writing5.1.2.4 Ways of Students' Preparing for the CET-4 and CET- Students' Opinions about Their Teachers5.1.2.6 Frequency of Students' Learning English and Practicing English Writing5.1.2.7 Students' Opinions about English Learning5.2 Findings from Interviews5.2.1 Findings from Interviews for Teachers5.2.2 Findings from Interviews for Students5.3 Findings from Observations5.4 Findings from Textbook Evaluation5.4.1 The External Evaluation5.4.1.1 The intended Audience of the Textbook (Checkpoint One) Students' English Proficiency (Checkpoint Two) The Circumstances that the Textbooks Are Using (Checkpoint Three) The Role of the Textbooks (Checkpoint Four) The Availability of Teachers' Book (Checkpoint Five) The Vocabulary List in the Textbook (Checkpoint Six) Visual Presentation in the Textbooks (Checkpoint Seven) Summary of the Textbook External Evaluation5.4.2 The Internal Evaluation5.4.2.1 The Sequencing and Grading of the Textbooks (Checkpoint One) The Adaptability of the Textbooks among Different Students (Checkpoint Two) Teachers' and Students' Initiatives and Motivations toward the Textbooks (Checkpoint Three) The Teaching Aims and Principles of the Textbooks (Checkpoint Four) The Overall Design(Checkpoint Five) The Materials Selection and Arrangement(checkpoint Six) The Authenticity of Language in the Textbooks(Checkpoint Seven5.4.2.8 The Arrangement of the Textbooks(Checkpoint Eight) The Whole Arrangement5. The Arrangement of Exercises5. The Arrangement of Writing Sections5.4.2.9 Summarv of the Internal Evaluation5.4.3 The Overall Evaluation5.4.3.1 The Usability Factor(Checkpoint One) The Generalizability Factor(Checkpoint Two) The Adaptability Factor(Checkpoint Three) The Flexibility Factor(Checkpoint Four) Summary of Overall Evaluation5.5 Comparison of Writing Sections of NHCE and CETN5.6 Major Findings5.6.1 New Horizon College English5.6.1.1 Strengths in NHCE5.6.1.2 Weaknesses in NHCE5.6.2 College English Top Notch5.6.2.1 Strengths in CETN5.6.2.2 Weaknesses in CETN5.6.3 Comparison of the Writing SectionsChapter Ⅵ Conclusion6.1 Summary of the Comparative Study6.2 Implications6.2.1 Needs Analysis6.2.2 An Evaluation Criteria of Textbook for Non-English Majors6.3 Limitations6.3.1 The Limitation of Research Subjects6.3.2 The Limitation of the Class Hours for English Writing6.3.3 Lacking of Following-up Research6.3.4 The Limitation of Data Analysis6.4 Suggestions for Further ResearchBibliography中文部分AppendixA 学生问卷调查AppendixB 老师问卷调查Appendix C Evaluation Checklist of NHCE and CETNAcknowledgements在读期间科研成果目录
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