List of abbreviationsAbstract (English)Abstract (Chinese)Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Aims and Significance1.3 Outline of This ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Current Research of Translation Teaching2.2 Corpora and Its Development2.2.1 Definitions and Types of Corpora2.2.1.1 Definitions2.2.1.2 Types of Corpora2.2.2 Development of Corpora at Home and Abroad2.2.2.1 Development of Corpora Abroad2.2.2.2 Development of Corpora at Home2.3 Research on Corpus-based Translation Teaching2.3.1 Research on Corpus-based Translation Teaching Abroad2.3.2 Research on Corpus-based Translation Teaching at Home2.4 Theoretical Foundations of Corpus-based Translation Teaching2.4.1 Constructivist Learning Theory2.4.1.1 The Learning Theory2.4.1.2 The Constructivist Pedagogy2.4.1.3 Constructivism in Corpus-based Translation Teaching Class2.4.2 Data-Driven-Learning Theory2.4.3 The Translation Competences2.4.3.1 Compositions of the Translation Competences2.4.3.2 The Improvement of Translation Competences in Corpus-based Translation Teaching ClassChapter Three Research Design of Experiment3.1 Hypothesis3.2 Subjects3.3 Experiment design3.3.1 Corpus3.3.2 Software3.3.3 Instruments3.4 The Data Analysis3.5 Experimental Procedures3.5.1 Pre-experiment3.5.2 During-experiment3.5.3 Post-experiment3.6 Sample of the Lecture Notes in Experimental Group3.6.1 Words and Phrases Translation3.6.2 Structure Translation3.6.3 Discourse TranslationChapter Four Results and Discussions4.1 Scope of Test Scores4.2 Test Scores Comparison4.2.1 Independent Samples T-Test between Two Groups4.2.2 Paired Samples T-Test between Different Types of Tests4.2.3 Discussion4.3 Translation Competence Comparison4.3.1 Foreign-Language Competence4.3.2 Subject-Field Understanding4.3.3 Native-Language Competence4.3.4 DiscussionChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Findings5.2 Limitations5.3 Suggestions for Further StudyBibliographyAppendicesAppendix A Pre-text PaperAppendix B Mid-text PaperAppendix C Post-Text PaperAppendix D Grade Score Description of TEM-8Published PapersAcknowledgements
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