JLab A大厅的库仑求和实验在较宽的转移三动量区间0.55GeV/c<|q|<1.0GeV/c,精确测量了单举散射过程中电子在准弹性散射区域内的散射截面,所用的靶有4He; 12C,56Fe和208Pb。本文主要基于对JLab A大厅右臂12C靶的分析,分别提取出核子的纵向和横向响应函数RL和RT,填补了这个区间的数据空白。同时计算出12C靶的库仑求和值并与世界上已有的数据进行了比较。目前的结果非常初步,仍有待进一步降低误差得到更可靠的结果。当我们完成对所有右臂和左臂的数据分析后,期待能证明短程下核介质中纵向响应函数RL的“淬灭”问题,以及研究库仑求和规则(CSR)基于转移三动量|q|的演变。
摘要ABSTRACTTable of CotnetnsAcknowledgements1 Introduction1.1 Overview1.1.1 Inclusive Electron Scattering1.1.2 Quasi-elastic Eleetron Seattering1.2 Rosenbluth Formula and Coulomb Sum Rule1.2.1 Kinematics and Rosenbluth Formula1.2.2 Coulomb Sum RuleL,RT and Theoretical Models'>1.3 Existing Data of RL,RT and Theoretical Models1.3.1 Previous Measurements1.3.2 Theoretical Models2 The Experiment Setup2.1 The Accelerator and the Electron Source2.2 Experiment Kinematic settings2.3 Hall-A Overview2.4 Beamline2.5 Beam Energy Measurement2.5.1 Arc Measurement2.5.2 eP Measurement2.6 BCM System2.7 Raster and Beam Position Monitor2.8 Target Configuration2.8.1 The scattering chamber2.8.2 Cryogenic targets3 The Hall A Spectrometers3.1 Hall A Spectrometers3.1.1 High Resolution Momentum Spectrometers3.1.2 Detector Package3.1.3 Vertical Drift Chambers3.1.4 Scintillators and Trigger Electronics3.1.5 Gas Cerenkov Detector3.1.6 Lead Glass Counters3.1.7 NaI Detector3.2 Data Acquisition System4 Data analysis4.1 Analysis Procedure4.2 Data Analysis4.2.1 BCM Calibration4.2.2 NaI(Tl) Detector Calibration and Background analysis4.2.3 Cerenkov Calibration and Efficiency4.2.4 Preshower and Shower Calibration and Efficiency4.2.5 HRS Optics4.2.6 Acceptance Cut4.3 Cross Sections4.3.1 Cross Sections4.3.2 Systematic Errors4.4 RL and RT separation4.5 Coulomb Sum Rule5 Results and ConclusionAppendicesA Rosenbluth FormulaB Radiative CorrectionsB.1 OverviewB.2 Radiative Correction for Quasielastic DataB.2.1 FormulaeB.2.2 ProcedureB.3 Radiative Correction for Elastic DataC Carbon Cross Sections with Only Systematic ErrorC.1 Carbon Cross Sections with Only Systematic Error at 15 degreeC.2 Carbon Cross Sections with Only Systematic Error at 60 degreeC.3 Carbon Cross Sections with Only Systematic Error at 90 degreeC.4 Carbon Cross Sections with Only Systematic Error at 120 degreeD Research AchievementsE List of Tables and List of FiguresList of TablesList of FiguresBibliography
标签:截面论文; 库仑求和规则论文; 核介质效应论文;