摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 The Significance of the Research0.2 Theoretical Framework and Methodology0.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter 1 Cultural Mistranslations of Chinese Classical Poetry1.1 The Definition and Three-layer Division of Culture1.2 The Relationship between Culture and Translation1.3 Cultural Mistranslation of Chinese Classical Poetry1.3.1 Cultural Characteristics of Chinese Classical Poetry1.3.2 Cultural Mistranslation of Chinese Classical PoetryChapter 2 Hermeneutic Studies on Cultural Mistranslations of Chinese Classical Poetry2.1 The Origin and Development of Hermeneutics2.2 Methodological Hermeneutics and the Representative Figures2.3 Main Standpoints of Modern Philosophical Hermeneutics2.4 Enlightenments of Philosophical Hermeneutics to Studies on Cultural Mistranslation of Chinese Classical PoetryChapter 3 Causes of Cultural Mistranslations Disclosed in the Light of Philosophical Hermeneutics3.1 The Openness of Text and Cultural Mistranslation of Chinese Classical Poetry3.2 False Prejudice and Unintentional Cultural Mistranslation of Chinese Classical Poetry3.3 Horizon Conflicts and Intentional Mistranslation of Chinese Classical PoetryChapter 4 Case Study of Various Cultural Mistranslations of Chinese Classical Poetry Based on Philosophical Hermeneutics4.1 Unintentional Cultural Mistranslation Caused by False Prejudice4.1.1 Unintentional Mistranslation at the Outer Layer Culture Caused by False Prejudices4.1.2 Unintentional Mistranslation at the Middle Layer of Culture Caused by FalsePrejudices4.1.3 Unintentional Mistranslation at the Inner Layer of Culture Caused by False Prejudices4.2 Intentional Cultural Mistranslation Caused by Horizon Conflicts4.2.1 Intentional Cultural Mistranslation Caused by Horizon Conflicts between Text and Translator4.2.2 Intentional Cultural Mistranslation Caused by Horizon Conflicts between Text and ReaderConclusionReferencesAcknowledgementsInformative Chinese AbstractRésuméand Publication since Entering the Program
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标签:中国古典诗歌论文; 文化误译论文; 哲学阐释学论文;