AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要ContentsList of AbbreviationsList of TablesChapter One Introduction1.1 Research topic1.2 Rationale of the study1.2.1 The importance of PI concerning hedges in communication1.2.2 Necessity to present PI concerning hedges in ECLDs1.3 Research questions and methodology1.3.1 Research questions1.3.2 Methodology1.4 Outline of the thesisChapter Two Studies of PI Concerning Hedges and PI in LDs2.1 Previous researches on hedges2.1.1 Previous researches on hedges2.1.2 Previous researches on hedges from a pragmatic perspective2.2 The concern over hedges in the present study2.2.1 Hedges as a textual device in discourse2.2.2 The classification of hedges from the perspective of pragmatics2.2.3 The concern over hedges in the present study2.3 The importance of PI in LDs2.3.1 Pragmatics and PI2.3.2 The importance of PI in LDsChapter Three Incorporation of PI Concerning Hedges in Current Mainstream ELDs and ECLDs3.1 Introduction3.2 Analysis of PI concerning hedges in current mainstream ELDs3.2.1 An overviewth'>3.2.2 LDOCE 4thth'>3.2.3 OALD 6th3.2.4 COBUILD3.2.5 CALD3.2.6 Macmillan3.2.7 Summary3.3 Analysis of PI concerning hedges in three China-made ECLDs3.3.1 An overview3.3.2 NAECD3.3.3 MFDCETL3.3.4 NCMFECD3.3.5 SummaryChapter Four Analyses on Pragmatic Failure Committed by Chinese Learners of English at Using Hedges4.1 Introduction4.2 Pragmatic failure4.2.1 Definition of pragmatic failure4.2.2 Classification of pragmatic failure4.3 Pragmatic failure concerning hedges4.4 Experimental study4.4.1 Introduction of the experiment4.4.2 Results of the experiment4.4.3 Analysis of the experimental resultChapter Five A Proposed Presentation Model for Presenting PI Concerning Hedges in ECLDs5.1 Introduction5.2 The Presentation model5.2.1 The macro-structural level5.2.2 The micro-structural level5.2.3 A Model for presenting PI concerning hedges in ECLDs5.3 Samples based on the above presentation model in an ECLDChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Research findings6.2 Innovations and limitations6.2.1 Innovations of the study6.2.2 Limitations of the study6.3 Implications and suggestions for further studyBibliographyAppendix A:Test PaperAppendix B:Questionnaire在学校期间发表论文清单
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标签:模糊限制语论文; 语用信息论文; 英英学习型词典论文; 英汉学习型词典论文;