摘要AbstractCharter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 The Aim of the Research1.2 The Significance of the Research1.3 The Layout of the ThesisCharter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Definitions different demonstrations of level teaching and other definitions2.2 Background information2.2.1 Introduction of Dalian Maple Leaf International School2.2.2 The Chinese Courses2.2.3 The BC Courses2.2.4 Current course selections for G102.3 The Previous studies abroad2.4 The Previous studies at home2.4.1 The level-based studies in Public school in China2.4.2 Observation of other Canadian Offshore high schools2.4.3 Development of level teaching in Maple Leaf School2.4.3.1 The basic stage- ESL level-based teaching2.4.3.2 The Development stage: level- gender separationCharter Ⅲ Theoretical Basis3.1 Communicative teaching3.1.1 The content of communicative teaching3.1.2 Maple Leaf’s implication for communicative teaching3.1.3 The standard of Maple Leaf’s communicative teaching3.2 Social Constructivism3.2.1 Constructivism learning issue3.2.2 Constructivism teaching concept3.2.3 English level-based teaching on the basis of Constructivism3.3 The second language acquisition—input hypothesis3.3.1 Krashen's input hypothesis3.3.2 The implication of Krashen’s input hypothesis in level-based teaching3.4 Interaction theoryCharter Ⅳ Methods of research4.1 Research questions4.2 Subjects4.3 Instruments4.3.1 Questionnaires4.3.2 Pre-test4.3.3 Post-test4.3.4 Interviews4.4 Research procedures4.5 Data CollectedCharter Ⅴ Analysis and Discussion5.1 First analysis on the data5.2 Discuss the problem5.3 Maple Leaf Level-based English teaching model5.4 Level-based Teaching’ Implications in English teaching5.4.1 Description of ESL Proficiency Levels5.4.2 Teaching materials5.4.3 Teaching ways and evaluating system5.4.4 Counselors’ system- humanistic concernsCharter Ⅵ Conclusion6.1 Conclusion - the basic advantages of level-based English teaching6.2 Findings of the Research6.2.1 English teaching should combine the west and the east6.2.2 Level-gender separation promote the students’ English achievements6.2.3 Level-based teaching help the students be responsible for their learning6.3 LimitationsAppendix AAppendix BReferenceAcknowledgment
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标签:海外高中论文; 分级教学论文; 省课程论文;
加拿大海外高中在高一年级英语分级教学实现与BC省课程顺利衔接的可行性研究 ——以大连枫叶国际学校为例