Acknowledgment摘要AbstractDedicationList of tablesList of figuresList of appendicesAbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Significance of study1.3 Research problems1.4 Research objective and research questionResearch objectivesResearch questions1.5 Limitation of study1.6 Methodology1.7 Dispositions of the researchChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Historic of vanillaDescriptions of vanillaTypes of vanillaMarket size and characteristics2.2 Role of vanillaIt mobilizes actors' large number classified under variousIt constitutes the main source of incomes of these various categories of actorsIt contributes to the economic growth of the countryIt contributes besides to the financing of the budget2.3 Infrastructure and means2.4 Vanilla using2.5 Environment analysisCultural factorsSocial factorsPolitical and legal forcesEconomic factorsTechnological environmentChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 Modeling the process of developing the international marketing strategy for vanilla in MadagascarThe top-down model of marketing strategy developmentStrategy formulationMethodical tools for the process of marketing strategy development in the foreign market3.2 Data concerning the results of participation of vanilla in domesticChapter 4 Methodology and research design4.1 The purpose of the situation4.2 Research approachSecondary researchPrimary research4.3 Research Design4.4 Data analysisChapter 5 Situation of vanilla in Madagascar5.1 StrengthClasses for Vanilla in MadagascarThe global producers of vanillaInvestment evaluationsThe institutional executiveProduction and commercializationThe market forces of supply and demand5.2 WeaknessDemandChallenges and constraintsBarriers to overcome the market5.3 OpportunitiesEcologic factorsCircuit of vanilla process between operator economicOperator economic of vanillaProcess of vanilla beans productionStrategies of vanilla market5.4 ThreatCompetitor of MadagascarVanilla product's competitor of MadagascarChapter 6 Findings and measures to promote vanilla6.1 Analysis oft wo major vanilla importers such as U.S.A and France in MadagascarU.S.AIn France6.2 Measures to develop the vanilla marketMarketing mix in international businessChapter 7 Conclusions and recommendations7.1 Conclusions7.2 Recommendations7.3 Further researchAppendix 1 Questionnaire and FindingsAppendix 2 Questionnaire and FindingsReferencesResearch Publications
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标签:香草豆论文; 马达加斯加论文; 进口商论文; 国际市场战略论文; 市场融合论文;