




  • Acknowledgment
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
  • Dedication
  • List of tables
  • List of figures
  • List of appendices
  • Abbreviations
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
  • 1.1 Introduction
  • 1.2 Significance of study
  • 1.3 Research problems
  • 1.4 Research objective and research question
  • Research objectives
  • Research questions
  • 1.5 Limitation of study
  • 1.6 Methodology
  • 1.7 Dispositions of the research
  • Chapter 2 Literature Review
  • 2.1 Historic of vanilla
  • Descriptions of vanilla
  • Types of vanilla
  • Market size and characteristics
  • 2.2 Role of vanilla
  • It mobilizes actors' large number classified under various
  • It constitutes the main source of incomes of these various categories of actors
  • It contributes to the economic growth of the country
  • It contributes besides to the financing of the budget
  • 2.3 Infrastructure and means
  • 2.4 Vanilla using
  • 2.5 Environment analysis
  • Cultural factors
  • Social factors
  • Political and legal forces
  • Economic factors
  • Technological environment
  • Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
  • 3.1 Modeling the process of developing the international marketing strategy for vanilla in Madagascar
  • The top-down model of marketing strategy development
  • Strategy formulation
  • Methodical tools for the process of marketing strategy development in the foreign market
  • 3.2 Data concerning the results of participation of vanilla in domestic
  • Chapter 4 Methodology and research design
  • 4.1 The purpose of the situation
  • 4.2 Research approach
  • Secondary research
  • Primary research
  • 4.3 Research Design
  • 4.4 Data analysis
  • Chapter 5 Situation of vanilla in Madagascar
  • 5.1 Strength
  • Classes for Vanilla in Madagascar
  • The global producers of vanilla
  • Investment evaluations
  • The institutional executive
  • Production and commercialization
  • The market forces of supply and demand
  • 5.2 Weakness
  • Demand
  • Challenges and constraints
  • Barriers to overcome the market
  • 5.3 Opportunities
  • Ecologic factors
  • Circuit of vanilla process between operator economic
  • Operator economic of vanilla
  • Process of vanilla beans production
  • Strategies of vanilla market
  • 5.4 Threat
  • Competitor of Madagascar
  • Vanilla product's competitor of Madagascar
  • Chapter 6 Findings and measures to promote vanilla
  • 6.1 Analysis oft wo major vanilla importers such as U.S.A and France in Madagascar
  • U.S.A
  • In France
  • 6.2 Measures to develop the vanilla market
  • Marketing mix in international business
  • Chapter 7 Conclusions and recommendations
  • 7.1 Conclusions
  • 7.2 Recommendations
  • 7.3 Further research
  • Appendix 1 Questionnaire and Findings
  • Appendix 2 Questionnaire and Findings
  • References
  • Research Publications
  • 相关论文文献

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