中文摘要Abstract中文文摘ContentsIntroductionChapter One Literature Review1.1 Concept of Hedge1.1.1 Fuzziness1.1.2 Hedge1.2 Classifications of Hedges1.2.1 Semantic Classification1.2.2 Grammatical Classification1.2.3 From Semantic Classification to Pragmatic Classification1.3 Functions of Hedges1.3.1 Semantic Functions of Hedges1.3.2 Pragmatic Functions of Hedges1.4 Different Approaches to Hedge Study at Home and AbroadChapter Two Theoretic Framework2.1 Pragmatic Framework2.1.1 Co-operative Principle2.1.2 Politeness Principle2.2 Pragmatic Functions2.2.1 Textual Functions2.2.2 Interpersonal FunctionsChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Research design and Objectives3.1.1 Research Design3.1.2 Research Objectives and Questions3.2 American Presidential Inaugural Addresses3.2.1 Definition and Features of American Presidential Inaugural Addresses3.2.2 Studies on American Presidential Inaugural AddressesChapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion4.1 Quantitative Analysis of Hedges in PIA4.1.1 Frequencies of Different Kinds of Hedges4.1.2 Hedges of High Frequency4.2 Pragmatic Analysis of Hedges in PIA4.2.1 Pragmatic Analysis of Adaptors4.2.2 Pragmatic Analysis of Rounders4.2.3 Pragmatic Analysis of Plausibility Shields4.2.4 Pragmatic Analysis of Attribution Shields4.3 Summary of Pragmatic Functions and Realization4.3.1 Establishing a Desired Image4.3.2 Raising Reliability and Winning Majority4.3.3 Avoiding or Shifting Responsibility4.3.4 Self-protection and PolitenessChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings and Implications5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudiesReferencesAppendix攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgements个人简历
标签:模糊限制语论文; 美国总统就职演说辞论文; 语料库论文; 语用研究论文;
美国总统就职演说辞中的模糊限制语 ——一项基于语料库的研究