摘要AbstractIntroduction0.1 Background0.2 Significance and Purpose of the Thesis0.3 Organization of the ThesisChapter 1 Characteristics of Metaphor and Current Studies in Metaphor1.1 Metaphor:A Rhetorical View1.1.1 Metaphor as a Rhetorical Device1.1.2 Traditional Definition of Metaphor1.2 Metaphor:A Cognitive Perspective1.2.1 Current Studies in Metaphor1.2.2 Definition of Conceptual Metaphor1.2.3 Classification of Conceptual MetaphorChapter 2 A Review of Development of Hermeneutics and Its Impact on Translation Studies2.1 Development of Hermeneutics and Its Relation to Translation Studies2.1.1 Origin and Development of Hermeneutics2.1.2 Main Representatives of Hermeneutics2.1.3 Relation to Translation Studies2.2 Understanding and Pre-understanding2.3 Openness of Interpretation and Fusion of Horizons2.3.1 Openness of Interpretation2.3.2 Fusion of HorizonsChapter 3 Metaphor Translation from a Hermeneutic Approach3.1 Literature Review of Metaphor Translation3.1.1 A Traditional Approach to Metaphor Translation3.1.2 A Cognitive Approach to Metaphor Translation3.2 Understanding of Translator in Metaphor Translation3.2.1 Role of the Translator3.2.2 Variance of Interpretation3.3 Understanding of Metaphor Translation from a Hermeneutic Approach3.3.1 Openness of Metaphor3.3.2 Three Types of Conceptual Metaphor3.3.2.1 The Structural Metaphor3.3.2.2 The Orientational Metaphor3.3.2.3 The Ontological Metaphor3. The Red Metaphor3. The Name Metaphor3.4 SummaryChapter 4 Reader Reception Toward Hermeneutic Metaphor Translation4.1 Importance of the Reader4.2 Understanding and Horizon of the Reader4.2.1 Understanding of the Reader4.2.2 Horizon of the Reader Before and After Reading4.3 Role of the Reader and Reader Reception4.3.1 Role of the Reader4.3.2 The Reader's Active Participation in ReadingConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间主要研究成果
标签:隐喻翻译论文; 概念隐喻论文; 阐释学论文; 视域融合论文; 理解和前理解论文;