摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Objectives and Significance1.3 Layout of the Present StudyChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Definitions of Authenticity and Authentic Materials2.1.1 Traditional Notion2.1.2 Dimensions of Authenticity2.1.3 Degrees of Authenticity2.2 Classification of Authentic Material2.3 Research Areas in Studying Authentic Materials2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Authentic Materials2.5 Supportative Theories2.5.1 Krashen's Hypothesis2.5.2 Gardener's Multi-Intelligence Theory2.6 Supportative ESL Teaching MethodologyChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Research Design3.2 Subjects3.3 Teaching Materials in the Research3.4 Instruments3.4.1 Questionnaire3.4.2 Pre and Post-Survey Tests of Students' English Proficiency3.5 Processing of the Collected Data3.5.1 Processing of the Student Enjoyableness and Motivation Questionnaire3.5.2 Processing of the TestsChapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion4.1 Observational Results4.2 Statistical Results and Analysis4.2.1 Analysis of Questionnaire Results4.2.1.1 Analysis of Students' Enjoyableness4. Analysis of Pre-Survey Results4. Analysis of Post-Survey Results4. Contrastive Analysis of Pre-Survey and Post-Survey Results4.2.1.2 Analysis of Students' Motivation4. Analysis of Pre-Survey Results4. Analysis of Post-Survey Results4. Contrastive Analysis of Pre-Survey and Post-Survey Results4.2.2 Analysis of Test Results4.2.2.1 Analysis of Written Test Results4. Analysis of Pre-Survey Written Test Results4. Analysis of Post-Survey Written Test Results4. Contrastive Analysis of Pre-Survey Written Test and Post-Survey Written Test Results4.2.2.2 Analysis of Pre-Survey Oral Test Results4. Analysis of Pre-Survey Oral Test Results4. Analysis of Post-Test Results4. Contrastive Analysis of Pre-Survey Oral Test and Post-Survey Oral Test Results4.2.3 Contastive Analysis Between the Questionnaire Results and Test Results4.2.3.1 Contastive Analysis of Students' Enjoyableness and Their Test Results4.2.3.2 Contastive Analysis of Students' Motivation and Their Test ResultsChapter Five Factors to Be Considered in the Use of Authentic Materials5.1 Choice Between Textbooks and Authentic Materials5.2 Using Authentic Materiasls at Which Level5.3 Role of the Teacher5.4 Selecting and Processing of Authentic Materials5.4.1 Collecting Authentic Materials5.4.2 Selecting Criteria5.4.3 Processing Authentic Materials5.5 Sample Lessons5.5.1 A Song Lesson5.5.2 A TV Commercial Lesson5.5.3 A Post-Card Lesson5.5.4 SummaryChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Major Findings of the Study6.2 Implications of the Study6.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAppendicesAppendix Ⅰ Pre-Survey Questionnaire ResultsAppendix Ⅱ Post-Survey Questionnaire ResultsAppendix Ⅲ Student Enjoyableness and Motivation QuestionnaireAppendix Ⅳ Pre-Survey Test ResultsAppendix Ⅴ Post-Survey Test ResultsPublicationsAcknowledgementResume
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