AcknowledgementsAbstract内容摘要IntroductionChapter one Mothers with Out-of-Wedlock Children in Poverty1.1 Trouble with Child Care1.2 Prejudice from employers1.3 teen-age mothers1.4 Welfare and Child SupportChapter Two Women Falling into Poverty after the Termination of Marriage2.1 Separated and Divorced Women in Poverty2.1.1 Group Characteristics2.1.2 Difficulties with Labor Force Participation2.1.3 Alimony and Welfare2.2 Widowed Women in Poverty2.2.1 Social and Demographic Traits and Mortality Rates2.2.2 WelfareChapter Three Aged Women in Poverty3.1 Life Expectancy of Men and Women3.2 Health Conditions3.3 Income and Economic Security3.4 Limited Familial HelpChapter Four Multiple Jeopardy for Black Women4.1 Family Structure4.2 Human Capitals4.3 Job Segregation4.4 Consciousness of Legal RightsChapter Five Possible Remedies5.1 Positive Socialization5.2 More Rigid Laws and a More Effective Monitoring System5.3 Increases on Government Help5.4 Empowerment of Poor WomenConclusionBibliography
标签:贫困论文; 妇女化论文; 性别歧视论文; 福利论文;