摘要(Abstract in Chinese)AbstractAcknowledgementsIntroductionChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Vocabulary: a serious linguistic obstacle to language learners1.2 Vocabulary and reading: word learning occurs incidentally through 1eading1.3 Incidental vocabulary acquisition1.3.1 Definition1.3.2 Incidental vs. intentional learning1.3.3 Implicit vs. explicit learning1.4 Vocabulary size for incidental learning1.5 Consciousness, noticing and attention1.5.1 Consciousness and Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis1.5.2 Attention: essential for language learning1.6 The Depth of Processing Model1.7 Involvement Load Hypothesis1.8 Difficulties Chinese students experience in vocabulary acquisition1.9 Previous experimental study on Involvement Load HypothesisChapter 2 Experimental Study2.1 Purpose of the present study2.2 Research questions and hypotheses2.3 Participants2.4 Instruments2.4.1 Reading passages and target words for the three groups2.4.2 Tasks2.5 Administration of the tests2.6 Interview with participants2.7 Scoring vocabulary test papers2.8 Validity and reliabilityChapter 3 Results and Discussion3.1 Results related to Hypothesis 13.1.1 Descriptive statistics for scores of the three tasks in immediate and delayed vocabulary tests3.1.2 Multiple (between groups) comparisons of task effect in immediate and delayed vocabulary tests3.1.3 Loss of vocabulary gains between two vocabulary tests in each task in each group3.2 Results related to Hypothesis 23.3 Main findings of the study3.3.1 Findings concerning Hypothesis 13.3.2 Findings concerning Hypothesis 23.3.3 Other findings of the studyChapter 4 Conclusion, Implications, Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research4.1 Conclusion4.2 Pedagogical implications4.3 Limitations of the present study4.4 Suggestions for future studyReferencesAppendix
标签:阅读任务论文; 词汇附带习得论文; 投入量假设论文;
阅读任务对初、中、高级英语水平学习者词汇附带习得的影响 ——一项基于“投入量假设”的实证研究