
Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Research background1.1.1 International background1.1.2 Social background1.2 The significance of the study1.2.1 Theoretical significance1.2.2 Practical significance1.3 Study design1.3.1 Study questions1.3.2 Object of the study1.3.3 Contents of the study1.3.4 Study methodsChapter Two Literature Review2.1 What is teacher professional development?2.1.1 The definition of teacher professional development2.1.2 What do teachers need?2.2 What is English teacher professional development?2.2.1 Researches abroad2.2.2 Researches at home2.2.3 What do English teachers need?2.3 What are influential factors of teachers'professional development?2.3.1 Researches abroad2.3.2 Researches at home2.3.3 Limitation of the researches2.4 Who are rural primary English teachers in China2.5 What are hindering factorsChapter Three The Investigation3.1 The process of the investigation3.1.1 The purpose of the investigation3.1.2 The methods of the investigation3.1.3. The implementation of the investigation3.2 The results of the investigation3.2.1 The basic information of rural primary English teachers in Zhuji3.2.2 The current situation of rural primary English teachers'professional development in Zhuji3.2.3 Hindering factors influencing rural primary English teachers in Zhuji3.2.4 FindingsChapter Four Analysis of Hindering Factors4.1 From social context4.1.1 Social pressure4.1.2 Parents' polarization in attitude to education4.1.3 Teacher personnel management4.1.4 Teacher certificate system4.1.5 Formal continuing teacher education4.2 From school context4.2.1 The poor quality of leadership of principles and administrators4.2.2 Few school-based professional development activities4.3 From teachers themselves4.3.1 Lack of awareness of professional development4.3.2 The working condition of rural schools4.3.3 Weakness of teachers' professional knowledge, skills and attitudeChapter Five Suggestions for Countering Professional Development5.1 Suggestions from the perspective of teachers5.1.1 Enhancing the teachers' awareness of self development5.1.2 Approaches for self development of English teachers5.1.3 Making good use of teacher professional development plan5.2 Suggestions from the perspective of the schools5.2.1 Rural primary principles' professional development5.2.2 Creating a co-operative culture in schools5.2.3 Approaches for enhancing teachers' professional development at school5.3 Suggestions from the perspective of teachers' education school5.3.1 Providing suitable training content for English teachers5.3.2 Supplying variety of training forms5.3.3 Creating platforms for teachers' professional development5.3.4 Paying attention to the teacher educators' professional developmentChapter six Conclusion6.1 Major findings6.2 Limitations of this study6.3 Implication for further studyReferencesAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3
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标签:农村小学英语教师论文; 专业发展论文; 现状论文; 阻碍性因素论文;