IntroductionChapter One Literature ReviewⅠ.1 Categories of language testsⅠ.1.1 Achievement testsⅠ.1.2 Subjective and objective testsⅠ.1.3 PretestⅠ.2 Characteristics of language testsⅠ.2.1 ValidityⅠ.2.2 ReliabilityⅠ.3 Characteristics of test itemsⅠ.3.1 Classical Test TheoryⅠ.3.2 Classical Item AnalysisⅠ.3.3 Facility valueⅠ.3.4 DiscriminationⅠ.4 Item bankⅠ.4.1 Item bankⅠ.4.2 Development of item bankChapter Two Research MethodologyⅡ.1 Research questionsⅡ.2 ParticipantsⅡ2.1 SampleⅡ.2.2 A panel and its trainingII.2.3 The researcherⅡ.3 MaterialsⅡ.3.1 MaterialsⅡ.3.2 The review and refining materialsⅡ.4 InstrumentsⅡ.4.1 SpecificationⅡ.4.2 Scoring criterionⅡ.4.3 Computer software and calculator usedⅡ.4.4 Item Analysis Sheets used for data collecting and analyzingⅡ.4.5 Easy PaperⅡ.5 ProceduresⅡ. 5.1 Planning phaseⅡ.5.2 Constructing phaseⅡ.5.3 Pretesting and scoring phaseⅡ.5.4 Collecting and analyzing data phaseⅡ.5.5 Storing phaseChapter Three ResultsⅢ.1 Reliability estimatesⅢ.2 Distributions of facility value and discrimination indicesⅢ.3 Distributions of facility value in the three schoolsⅢ.4 Distributions of facility value in various test contents and methodsChapter Four DiscussionⅣ.1 Factors affecting reliabilityⅣ.2 An analysis of characteristics of the distributions of the 2, 400 items for the 40 pretestsⅣ.3 Differences of facility value of items among different samples from the three schoolsⅣ.4 An analysis of facility value among different methodsⅣ.5 SolutionⅣ.6 LimitationsChapter Five ConclusionSuggestions for further researchNotesBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ Specification ( in Chinese )Appendix Ⅱ Scoring criterion (in Chinese )Appendix Ⅲ FormulaeAppendix Ⅳ A pretest paperAppendix Ⅴ Item Analysis Sheet ⅠAppendix Ⅵ Item Analysis Sheet Ⅱ
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标签:成绩测试论文; 经典项目分析论文; 难度论文; 区分度论文; 题库论文;