Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 A Review of Relevance Theory2.1 Context2.2 Mutual Manifestness2.3 The Ostensive-Inferential Communication2.4 Relevance2.4.1 Relevance and Cognition2.4.2 Relevance and CommunicationChapter 3 A Relevance-Theoretic Account of Translation3.1 Translation as Interlingual Communication3.2 Translation as Interlingual Interpretive UseChapter 4 The Application of RT in Literary Translation Practice4.1 Biculturalism in Application of RT in Literary Translation4.2 The Quadrilateral Relationship in Translation4.3 First Round Communication4.3.1 Communicative Clues from Phonological Properties4.3.2 Communicative Clues from Lexical Properties4.3.3 Communicative Clues from Grammatical Properties4.3.3.1 Complex versus Simplex4.3.3.2 Antithesis versus Chinese Duizhao (对照)4.3.4 Communicative Clues from Pragmatic Properties4.4 The Second Round Communication4.4.1 Assessment of the TL Reader's Cognitive Environment4.4.1.1 The Cognitive Environment of Readers within a Certain Time Period4.4.1.2 The Cognitive Environment of Readers as Time Changes4.4.2 Secondary Communication Situations in Translation4.4.2.1 Implicature4.4.2.2 Solutions to Secondary Communication4.5 SummaryChapter 5 ConclusionWorks Cited
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