Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Purpose and Value of the Study1.3 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Intercultural Communication, Culture and Value2.2 The Study on Face from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication2.2.1 The Study on Face Abroad2.2.2 The Study on Face at Home2.2.3 Brief CommentChapter 3 Linguistic Strategies Used to Communicate Face Strategies3.1 Linguistic Strategies of Independence Used in Deference Face System3.1.1 Strategies Used by Chinese Hosts and Chinese Guests3.1.2 Strategies Used by Chinese Hosts and American Guests3.2 Linguistic Strategies of Involvement Used in Solidarity Face System3.2.1 Strategies Used by Chinese Hosts and Chinese Guests3.2.2 Strategies Used by Chinese Hosts and American Guests3.3 Linguistic Strategies of Independence and Involvement Used in Hierarchical Face System3.4 Comparison of Chinese and American Linguistic Strategies Used in Face Systems3.4.1 Comparison of Chinese and American Guests’ Strategies against Chinese Hosts3.4.2 Comparison of Chinese Hosts’ Strategies against Chinese and American GuestsChapter 4 Cultural Reasons for Different Strategies and Suggestions for Chinese Hosts4.1 Cultural Reasons for Different Linguistic Strategies Used in Face Systems4.1.1 Reasons for Different Chinese and American Guests’ Strategies against Chinese Hosts4.1.2 Reasons for Different Chinese Hosts’ Strategies against Chinese and American Guests4.2 Suggestions for Chinese Hosts4.2.1 Suggestions for Chinese Hosts against Chinese Guests4.2.2 Suggestions for Chinese Hosts against American GuestsChapter 5 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
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标签:面子体系论文; 面子策略论文; 语言策略论文; 政治访谈论文;