Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Overview1.2 Research questions1.3 Thesis structureChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Definitions and connotations of interaction & classroom interaction2.2 Theoretical basis of classroom interaction2.2.1 Constructivism2.2.2 The input hypothesis2.2.3 The output hypothesis2.2.4 The interaction hypothesis2.2.5 Social interactionism2.3 Patterns of classroom interaction2.3.1 Teacher-student pattern2.3.2 Teacher-students pattern2.3.3 Students-students pattern2.4 Learning & interaction process2.4.1 Engagement2.4.2 Study2.4.3 Activation2.5 Classroom interaction principles2.6 Studies by foreign scholars2.7 Studies by Chinese scholarsChapter Three Methodology3.1 A pilot study3.1.1 Objective3.1.2 Method3.1.3 Results3.2 A main study3.2.1 Objective3.2.2 Participants3.2.3 Design of questionnaire3.2.4 Data collection and analysisChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Main barriers of English classroom interaction in HTVE4.1.1 HTVE students' English foundation4.1.2 HTVE students' learning motivation4.1.3 HTVE students' English learning confidence4.1.4 HTVE class size4.2 Strategies of HTVE English classroom interaction4.2.1 The intrinsic motivation4.2.2 Meaningful learning4.2.3 Effective students' preparation4.2.4 Effective questions4.2.5 Effective groupwork4.2.6 Appropriate feedback from teachers4.2.7 Classroom interactive activities4.2.8 Self-confidence/self-esteem4.2.9 Students' automaticity4.2.10 The language-culture connection4.2.11 Classroom teaching language4.2.12 Interlanguage4.3 The role of the interactive teachers in HTVE4.3.1 Caring roles4.3.2 Managing roles4.3.3 Participator4.3.4 Facilitator of learning4.3.5 Diagnosing role4.3.6 Source of advice4.3.7 Source of expertise4.4 The role of the interactive students in HTVE4.4.1 Goodlistener4.4.2 Selective receiver4.4.3 Good participant4.4.4 Good controller4.4.5 Good co-operatorChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary of results and conclusion5.2 Implications5.3 Limitation of the study5.4 Suggestions for further studyReferencesAppendix ⅠAppendix Ⅱ详细摘要
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