AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 A General Review of the Novel1.1 A Life with Swerving Ups and Downs1.2 Freedom in the Eyes of Stephen Dedalus1.3 An Alienated Figure of Contradictions1.4 Stephen Dedalus, a Connotative Name Full of SymbolismChapter 2 Application of Epiphany & the Stream of Consciousness-2.1 Epiphany, a Sudden Revelation of Stephen’s Pursuit in Life2.1.1 Secular Prostitute versus Divine Mary2.1.2 Loathing Hell versus Unavoidable Punishment2.1.3 Wading Girl versus Artistic Destiny2.2 Stream of Consciousness, a Portrayal of Stephen’s Disconnected Psyche2.2.1 Lack of Order, a General State of Interior Movements2.2.2 Logical Depiction of Stephen’s Fragmented Mind2.2.3 Flashback of the Play Scene, an Example of the Stream of ConsciousnessChapter 3 Catholic Religion, a Net that Gradually Loses its Authority3.1 Unquestioning Obedience in Stephen’s Early Childhood3.2 Growing Doubts after the Undeserved Punishment3.3 Undeniable Sense of Guilt and Fear of Retribution3.4 Repentance and Return, an Involuntary Surrender to Religious Authority3.5 An Increasingly Obvious Distance between Stephen and the Jesuit Order3.6 Wading Girl —— A Determinant in Breaking up the Religious TieChapter 4 Family, a Net that can Hardly be a Harbor of Refuge4.1 Deteriorating Finances versus Increasing Self-consciousness4.2 Growing Strangeness and Declining Intimacy between Father and Son4.2.1 The Hypocritical Side of Simon Dedalus4.2.2 The Coward Side of Simon Dedalus4.3 An Equally Distant Relationship between Mother and Son4.3.1 Mary Dedalus, a Dutiful Mother yet More a Devoted Catholic4.3.2 Mary’s Incapability in Influencing Stephen’s Spiritual WorldChapter 5 Nation, a Net that Disillusions the Young Artist5.1 Conflict Arising from Two Political Views5.2 Ireland, a Country at the Mercy of Outsiders5.3 Shaping of Stephen’s Independent Political OpinionChapter 6 Implications by Selecting a Lonely Road6.1 Prices Inevitably Paid for the Pursuit of Freedom6.2 Escapism, a Temporary Resort with an Uncertain ProspectConclusionBibliography
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