Abstract摘要Part 1 IntroductionPart 2 Theoretical Framework2.1 Theory of Sense2.1.1 Development of interpreting research in the west2.1.2 Development of the Theory of Sense in China2.1.3 Major arguments of the Theory of Sense2.2 Related Theory-Cooperative PrinciplePart 3 Methods3.1 Introduction3.2 Materials3.3 Design and Analysis3.4 ProcedurePart 4 Results4.1 Interpretations4.1.1 General Introduction4.1.2 Definitions of Consecutive Interpretation and Simultaneous Interpretation4.1.3 Similarities between Consecutive Interpretation and Simultaneous Interpretation4.1.4 Differences between Consecutive Interpretation and Simultaneous Interpretation4.1.5 Situations for Consecutive Interpretation4.1.6 Onsite Technical Consecutive Interpretation4.2 Features of Onsite Technical Consecutive Interpretation4.2.1 Technical Specialty4.2.2 Consecutive Features4.2.3 Present and Absent4.2.4 Working Environment4.2.5 Flexibility and AccuracyPart 5 Discussion5.1 Discussion on Interpretation Quality Assessment Criteria5.1.1 Criteria for Common Interpretation5.1.2 Criteria for the Quality Assessment of Onsite Technical Consecutive Interpretation5.2 Discussion on the Qualifications of Onsite Consecutive Technical Interpreters5.2.1 Encyclopedic Knowledge5.2.2 Ability and Thirst to Learn in Practice5.2.3 Creativity in Onsite Technical Consecutive Interpretation5.2.4 Good Professional Ethics5.2.5 Linguistic Proficiency and Oral Presentation Ability5.2.6 Listening Duration and a Good Memory5.2.7 Identifying the Main Ideas5.2.8 Good Mental Quality and Public Speaking Skill5.2.9 Clear Pronunciation and Pronunciation Differentiating5.2.10 Cross-culture Communication CompetencePart 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary6.2 The Significance of the Paper6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for further ResearchBibliographyPublished PaperAcknowledgements
标签:释义理论论文; 科技英语现场口译论文; 特点论文; 标准论文; 译员素质论文;