AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要List of abbreviationsList of tables and figuresChapter Ⅰ Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Purpose of the study1.3 Significance of the study1.4 Scope and the structure of the studyChapter Ⅱ Literature Review2.1 Language learning strategies2.1.1 Definitions of language learning strategies2.1.2 Classifications of language learning strategies2.2 Metacognitive strategies2.2.1 Metacognition2.2.2 Definition of metacognitive strategies2.2.3 Classifications of Metacognitive Strategies2.3 Metacognitive Strategies Training2.3.1 Definition and scope of strategy training2.3.2 Previous research of Metacognitive Strategies Training2.3.3 Models of Metacognitive Strategies TrainingChapter Ⅲ Description of the study3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.4 The procedure of the experiment3.4.1 The first stage:preparation3.4.2 The second stage:practice3.4.3 The third stage:evaluationChapter Ⅳ Data analysis and discussions4.1 Data Analysis of metacognitive strategies questionnaire4.2 Analysis of Interviews and self-questioning checklists4.2.1 Interview4.2.2 Self-questioning checklists and self-monitoring form4.2.3 Staged self-reflection checklist4.3 The relationship between high and low achievers in using MS4.4 Data analysis4.5 DiscussionsChapter Ⅴ ConclusionsBibliographyAppendix
标签:元认知策略论文; 元认知策略训练论文; 初中生论文;