1 基于本体的 ERP实施知识库构建与管理研究——以生产管理为例摘要Abstract第1章 绪论1.1 论文选题背景1.2 论文研究的主要内容1.3 本文的内容安排第2章 国内外ERP实施存在的问题及本文采用的建模方法2.1 国内外ERP实施存在的问题2.1.1 国外ERP实施存在的问题2.1.2 国内ERP的实施存在的问题2.2 基于本体的面向对象建模法2.3 本章小结第3章 本体理论及知识系统3.1 本体论和本体3.1.1 本体的基本概念3.1.2 本体描述语言3.2 构建本体的方法3.2.1 本体构建的主要方法3.2.2 构建领域本体的方法3.3 本体与领域知识3.3.1 本体与知识库之间的关系3.3.2 基于本体构建领域知识库的优点3.3.3 领域本体对ERP知识建模的作用及存在的困难3.4 本章小结第4章 领域本体的集成4.1 本体表示的异构性问题及解决方案4.2 本体集成的方法与步骤4.2.1 本体集成的方法4.2.2 本体集成的过程4.3 领域本体的语义相关性4.3.1 领域本体间的语义相关度4.3.2 领域本体间的语义关联4.4 领域模型边权重的确定4.4.1 免疫算法4.4.2 适应度函数数学模型的建立4.4.3 基于免疫算法属性权重的确定4.5 领域本体集成的算法4.6 本章小结第5章 以生产管理子系统为例知识库的构建与管理5.1 确定领域本体的范围5.2 领域本体的获取5.3 构建领域本体的概念化阶段5.3.1 生产管理子系统本体中概念的基本定义5.3.2 生产管理子系统本体中的类、属性及其关系5.4 基于ERP系统的知识管理模型设计5.4.1 知识管理系统的设计5.4.2 系统结构设计5.5 系统实现平台5.5.1 物料主文件5.5.2 主需求计划5.5.3 主生产计划5.5.4 MRP计划和历史查询5.6 本章小结第6章 结论与展望6.1 全文总结6.2 展望参考文献2 基于本体的 ERP差异性和知识管理综述第1章 绪论1.1 研究的背景1.2 我国企业实施ERP的必要性1.3 我国企业实施ERP的现状及困难分析第2章 ERP的国内外现状和本体论2.1 ERP的国内外现状2.1.1 国外现状2.1.2 国内现状2.1.3 ERP的建模方法2.2 本体论2.2.1 本体的定义2.2.2 本体的分类2.2.3 本体的理论研究2.2.4 本体建模的优点2.2.5 本体建模的方法第3章 本体语义异构和相似度计算方法研究3.1 本体表示的异构性问题3.1.1 本体表达的概念层差异3.1.2 本体表达的语义层差异3.1.3 其他差异3.2 典型相似度计算方法3.2.1 基于字符串计算的方法3.2.2 基于外部数据源的方法3.2.3 基于图结构的相似度计算方法3.2.4 其他研究第4章 知识管理研究4.1 知识管理的概述4.1.1 知识管理的含义4.1.2 各种管理理论比较4.1.3 企业中实施知识管理的重要性4.2 知识管理在企业中的应用条件4.2.1 技术4.2.2 战略与组织结构第5章 结束语5.1 本体和面向对象的综合研究5.2 领域本体知识管理研究5.2.1 知识管理系统的设计5.2.2 系统结构设计参考文献3 Research knowledge manage and Construction Based ○n Ontology-Production Management System As An ExampleAbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Thesis topics background1.2 Papers 's main content1.3 In this paper, the content arrangementsChapter 2 The ERP at home and abroad implement and modeling methods based on ontology and oriented -object2.1 ERP implementation at home and abroad2.1.1 Foreign ERP implementation of the status2.1.2 ERP implementation status at the domestic2.2 Ontology-based object-oriented method2.3 Summary of this chapterChapter 3 Ontology theory and knoeledge system3.1 ontology3.1.1 The basic concept of ontology3.1.2 Ontology language3.2 Construction of the method body3.2.1 The main methods of construction ontology3.2.2 The method of construction the domain ontology3.3 ontology and domain knowledge3.3.1 The relationship between ontology and knowledge base3.3.2 Ontology-based Construction domain Knowledge Base merits3.4 Summary of this chapterChapter 4 domain ontology integration4.1 The differents between ontology expressions and solutions method4.2 Ontology integration methods and steps4.2.1 Ontology integrated method4.2.2 Ontology integrated process4.3 Domain ontology semantic relevance4.3.1 Domain ontology correlation between the semantic4.3.2 The semantic association between domain ontology4.4 Domain model determined weight4.4.1 Immune algorithm4.4.2 Fitness function mathematical model4.4.3 Immune algorithm based on the weight of the attributes identified4.5 Domain ontology integration algorithm4.6 Summary of this chapterChapter 5 The knowledge management modeling construction based on ERP5.1 Determine the scope of the domain ontology5.2 Obtain the domain ontology5.3 The conceptualization stage of Construction thedomain ontology5.3.1 Production management systems definition based on ontology5.3.2 The categories, attributes and their relationship in production management systems5.4 The knowledge management model design based on ERP system5.4.1 Knowledge management system design5.4.2 System architecture design5.5 System Platform5.5.1 Materials primary documents5.5.2 Main demand plan5.5.3 Main production plan5.5.4 MRP plans5.6 This chapter SummaryChapter 6 Conclusions and Prospects6.1 Summed up6.2 ProspectsReference4 Ontology-based ERP differences and Knowledge Management ReviewChapter 1 Introduction1.1 On the background1.2 China's enterprises need ERP1.3 ERP implementation of China's enterprises and the difficulties status1.4 The relationship between ontology and knowledge baseChapter 2 The ERP and the ontological status quo at home and abroad2.1 ERP the status quo at home and abroad2.1.1 Foreign status2.1.2 Domestic status2.1.3 ERP Modeling2.2 ontology2.2.1 The definition of ontology2.2.2 Ontology Category2.2.3 Ontology theoretical research2.2.4 ontology modeling the merits2.2.5 ontology modeling methodsChapter 3 Ontology and heterogeneous semantic similarity calculation method3.1 Ontology heterogeneity problem3.1.1 Bulk of the concept of difference3.1.2 Bulk of the semantic differences in the expression of3.1.3 Other differences3.2 Typical similarity calculation method3.2.1 Based on the calculation method string3.2.2 Based on external data sources method3.2.3 Based on the map of similarity calculation method3.2.4 Other studiesChapter 4 on knowledge management4.1 Asummary of knowledge management4.1.1 The meaning of knowledge management4.1.2 Comparison of various management theory4.1.3 Enterprises in the implementation of the importance of knowledge management4.2 knowledge management in the enterprise application conditions4.2.1 Technology4.2.2 Strategies and organizational structureChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Ontology and the object-oriented comprehensive study5.2 Knowledge management ontology research5.2.1 Knowledge management system design5.2.2 System architecture designReference
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标签:本体论文; 领域知识库论文; 建模技术论文; 软件开发论文;
基于本体的ERP实施知识库构建与管理研究 ——以生产管理为例