Abstract(Chinese)Abstract(English)Synopsis(Chinese)Synopsis(English)Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background and Motivation1.2 Research Purposes1.3 Research Questions1.4 Definition of Terms1.5 Significance of the ResearchChapter Two Theory and Application of Multiple Intelligences2.1 Development and Philosophy of Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences2.1.1 Development of Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences2.1.2 Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences2.2 Implications and Myths of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences2.2.1 Implications of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences2.2.2 Myths and Realties of Multiple Intelligences2.2.3 Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles2.3 The Relationship Between Learning Abilities and the Theory of Multiple Intelligences.2.4 Assessment inthe Theory of Multiple Intelligences2.4.1 Guide to Assessment Instrument of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences2.4.2 Authentic Assessment and Standardized Testing2.4.3 Tools for Assessing Multiple Intelligences2.5 Application of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences in English InstructionChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Subjects3.2 Instruments3.2.1 A Questionnaire on Students' Multiple Intelligences Performance3.2.2 A Questionnaire on Students' Opinions of English Learning3.2.3 A Questionnaire on Students' Attitude Toward English Learning in the MI Class3.2.4 A Classroom Observation Checklist3.2.5 Students' English Learning Journals3.2.6 Students' Assigned Works for Assessment3.3 Procedures3.4 Data Analysis3.4.1 Quantitative Analysis3.4.2 Qualitative AnalysisChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 The Influence of the MI Model on Students' Interest in Learning English4.2 The Students' Responses to MI Activities,Learning Materials,and Thematic Teaching.4.2.1 Discussion about the Students' Responses to MI Activities4.2.2 Discussion about the Students' Responses to Learning Materials4.2.3 Discussion about the Students' Responses to Thematic Teaching4.3 The Students' Responses to the Classroom Interaction4.4 The Students' Performance and Responses to the Four Language Arts4.4.1 The Students' Performance and Responses to Listening Activities4.4.2 The Students' Performance and Responses to Speaking Activities4.4.3 The Students' Performance and Responses to Reading Activities4.4.4 The Students' Performance and Responses to Writing ActivitiesChapter Five Conclusions5.1 Conclusions5.2 Implications5.3 SuggestionsREFERENCESAppendicesAppendix A A Questionnaire on Students' Multiple Intelligences PerformanceAppendix B A Questionnaire on Students' Opinions of English LearningAppendix C A Questionnaire on Students' Attitude Toward English Learning in the MI ClassAppendix D Transcriptions of Students' Responses to the Questionnaire on Students' Attitude Toward English Learning in the MI ClassAppendix E A Classroom Observation Checklist(Campbell,Campbell & Dickson,1998)Appendix F Students' English Learning JournalsAppendix G Transcriptions of Students' Responses to English Learning in the MI Class in Students' English Leaning JournalsAcknowledgements
标签:多元智能论文; 英语教学论文; 英语学习论文;