Abstract中文摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 The importance of English vocabulary teaching1.2 The present situation1.3 The purpose of this research1.4 Organization of the thesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Studies of vocabulary teaching2.1.1 Studies of vocabulary teaching abroad2.1.2 Studies of vocabulary teaching in China2.2 Some basic concepts concerning teaching strategy and vocabulary teaching2.2.1 Teaching strategy2.2.2 Vocabulary teaching2.2.2.1 Input theory2.2.2.2 Productive vs. receptive vocabulary knowledge2.2.2.3 Depth vs. breadth of vocabulary2.2.2.4 What to teach about vocabulary knowledge2.2.2.5 How to learn the target words2.3 Theoretical foundation2.4 English vocabulary teaching requirement in the new conceptChapter Three Experiment Design3.1 Purposes3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments and procedures3.4 Data collection3.5 Findings3.5.1 The lack of more efficient methods to memorize vocabulary3.5.2 The lack of scientific methods to teach vocabularyChapter Four Teaching Strategies and Teaching Examples4.1 Teaching strategies4.1.1 The context strategy4.1.1.1 Definition of context4.1.1.2 The important role of context in vocabulary teaching4.1.1.3 The application of context in vocabulary teaching4.1.2 The synonymy strategy4.1.2.1 The definition of synonymy4.1.2.2 Synonyms in vocabulary teaching4.1.3 The collocation strategy4.1.3.1 The definition of collocation4.1.3.2 The application of collocation in vocabulary teaching4.1.4 The hyponymy strategy4.1.4.1 The definition of hyponymy4.1.4.2 The properties of hyponymy4.1.4.3 The uses of constructing semantic fields4.1.5 The grouping strategy4.1.5.1 Theoretical basis4.1.5.2 The application of grouping strategy4.1.6 The word formation strategy4.1.6.1 The properties of stems4.1.6.2 The properties of prefixes4.1.6.3 The properties of suffixes4.2 Teaching examples4.2.1 Using word-formation strategy to teach vocabulary4.2.2 Using context to teach vocabulary4.2.3 Using synonymy strategy to teach vocabulary4.2.4 Using hyponymy strategy to teach vocabularyChapter Five A Comparative Study5.1 Participants5.2 Instrument5.3 The pre-test paper and post-test paper5.4 Data collection5.5 Data analyses5.6 Findings and discussion5.7 Limitation of the study5.8 The conclusion from the comparative studyChapter Six Conclusion and Further Suggestions6.1 Summary6.2 Some solutions to solve the problem6.3 Limitations of the study6.4 Recommendations for future researchBibliographyAppendixesAcknowledgements
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标签:新课标论文; 英语词汇教学论文; 教学策略论文; 农村高中生论文;