Abstract摘要IntroductionChapter 1 Introduction to The Analects and the Different Versions of its Translation1.1 Introduction to Confucius and The Analects1.2 The Historical Status of The Analects and the Importance of Its Translation1.2.1 The Status of The Analects s in Ancient China1.2.2 The Importance and New Demand of Translating The Analects Now1.3 Some Major Translators of The Analects and Their Versions1.3.1 Major Foreign Translators of The Analects1.3.2 Chinese Translators of The AnalectsChapter 2 The Difficulties of Translating The Analects and the Evaluation of Waley’s V ersion of The Analects2.1 The Main Merits of Waley’s Version2.1.1 Appropriate Understanding of the Original Text2.1.2 Rhetoric Methods2.1.3 Graceful Translating Style2.2 Three Methods Used in Waley’s Translation2.2.1 Filling-up2.2.2 Epexegesis2.2.3 Avoiding of Using Literary Illusions2.3 The Main Defects and Problems of Waley’s Version2.3.1 Translators’ Limitation and Personal Style2.3.2 Improper Transliteration2.3.3 Misunderstanding of the Original Text2.4 ConclusionsChapter 3The Transmission of Culture in Translation3.1 The Relationship between Language and Culture3.1.1 The definition of language3.1.2 The Definition of Culture3.1.3 The Relationship between Language and Culture3.2 Language and Culture in Translation3.2.1 What Is Translation3.2.2 Language, Culture and Translation3.3 The Equivalent Principle in Translating Activities3.3.1 The Definition of the Equivalent Principle3.3.2 Translation Equivalence Is Relative3.3.3 Cultural Equivalence in Translation3.4 Priority to Culture Transmission3.4.1 Introduction3.4.2 Necessity of Culture Transmission in TranslationChapter 4 Culture Translatability and Culture Transmission Strategies4.1 Translatability and Untranslatability4.2 Culture Transmission Strategies4.2.1 Four Types of Texts4.2.2 Different Translation Strategies for Different Text4.2.3 Translation Purpose and Cultural Transmission Strategies in Translation4.3 Status of the Source Text and Translation Strategies4.3.1 Status of Culture4.3.2 Status of the Source Text4.3.3 Function of the Target Text4.4 Comment on Waley’s Version of The AnalectsConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:论语论文; 文化传递论文; 翻译策略论文;