中文摘要Abstracts中文文摘Introduction0.1 Modern Views in Culture Learning and Teaching0.2 The Purpose of the Study0.3 The Organization of the Present Paper0.4 Limitation of the Present PaperChapter 1 Language and Culture1.1 The Definition of Culture1.2 The Relationship between Language and Culture1.2.1 Language as a Part of Culture1.2.2 Language as the Carrier of Culture1.2.3 Culture as the Controller of Language1.3 Importance of Culture TeachingChapter 2 Idioms2.1 The Introduction of Idioms2.2 Relationships between Chinese and English Idioms2.2.1 Cultural Similarities Shared by both English and Chinese Idioms2.2.2 Cultural Differences Shown in English and Chinese Idioms2.2.2.1 Different Customs about Animals upon Idioms2.2.2.2 Different Environments of Living2.2.2.3 Different Living Customs2.2.2.4 Different Religions BeliefsChapter 3 Intercultural Competence and Culture Teaching3.1 Communication and Culture3.2 An Overview of Intercultural Communication Studies3.3 The Need to Develop Intercultural Competence3.3.1 Intercultural Communicative Competence3.3.2 Importance of Developing Intercultural Communication CompetenceChapter 4 Methods of Cultural Teaching to Develop Intercultural Competence in the EFL Classroom4.1 Goal of Culture Teaching4.2 Methods of Cultural Teaching4.2.1 Creating an Authentic Classroom Environment4.2.2 Cultural Problem Solving4.2.3 Dramatization4.2.4 Cultural Test4.2.5 The Role of Teachers in Cultural TeachingConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
标签:语言论文; 文化论文; 习语论文; 跨文化交际论文; 文化教学论文;