![大学英语教材中目的语文化预设的评价研究 ——以《新视野大学英语》(读写教程)(第二版)为例](https://www.lw50.cn/thumb/22a6e2565727849803a9c383.webp)
Abstract摘要List of AbbreviationList of TablesList of FiguresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The purpose of this study1.2 The significance of this study1.3 The background knowledge of this study1.3.1 The introduction to NHCE1.3.2 The introduction to CECR1.3.3 The relationship between NHCE and CECR1.3.4 The introduction to teaching material evaluation1.3.5 The introduction to cultural presupposition1.4 The structures of this studyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Culture and language teaching2.1.1 The definition of culture2.1.2 The relationship between culture and language2.2 The related studies of teaching material evaluation2.2.1 The studies of teaching material evaluation abroad2.2.2 The studies of material evaluation at home2.3 The related studies of pragmatic presupposition2.3.1 The studies of pragmatic presupposition abroad2.3.2 The studies of pragmatic presupposition at home2.4 The related studies of the cross-cultural pragmatic presupposition2.4.1 The studies of cross-cultural pragmatic presupposition abroad2.4.2 The studies of cross-cultural pragmatic presupposition at home2.5 The related studies of the cultural presupposition2.5.1 The studies of cultural presupposition abroad2.5.2 The studies of cultural presupposition at home2.6 The related studies of college English course books2.6.1 The related studies based on the cultural presupposition2.6.2 The related studies based on other theories2.7 The originalities of the present studyChapter 3 Theoretical Framework3.1 The criteria of material evaluation3.2 Cultural presupposition3.2.1 The definition of cultural presupposition3.2.2 The classification of cultural presupposition3.3 The requirements of CECR3.4 The training model of the awareness of cross-cultural pragmatic presupposition3.5 The criteria of course book evaluation in the present studyChapter 4 Research Design4.1 Research questions4.2 Evaluation materials4.3 Subjects of this study4.3.1 Subjects of teachers4.3.2 Subjects of students4.4 Research instruments and methods4.4.1 Questionnaires4.4.2 Interviews4.4.3 Counting and statistics4.5 The procedures of the study4.5.1 Pilot-test and improvement4.5.2 Investigation of questionnaires and interviews4.5.3 Counting and statisticsChapter 5 Descriptive Analysis of the Present Study5.1 Textual investigation of NHCE5.2 Descriptive analysis of questionnaires5.2.1 Descriptive statistics of the understanding of cultural presupposition5.2.2 Descriptive statistics of the design of cultural presupposition in NHCE5.2.3 Descriptive statistics of the teachers’treatment of cultural presupposition5.2.4 Descriptive statistics of the expectation of teachers and students5.2.5 Descriptive statistics of the evaluation of the students’cultural competence5.2.6 General evaluation of cultural presupposition and the understanding of NHCE5.3 Descriptive statistics of interviews5.3.1 Investigation of the understanding of cultural presupposition5.3.2 Investigation of the evaluation of teaching and learning situation of cultural presupposition5.3.3 Investigation of the general evaluation and suggestion of cultural presuppositionChapter 6 Conclusion, Suggestion and Limitation6.1 Conclusion6.2 Implication and suggestion6.3 LimitationBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ The form of four domains of cultural presupposition in Reading and WritingAppendix Ⅱ 教师调查问卷Appendix Ⅲ 学生调查问卷Appendix Ⅳ 教师访谈提纲Appendix Ⅴ 学生访谈提纲Acknowledgements
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标签:教材评价论文; 文化预设论文;
大学英语教材中目的语文化预设的评价研究 ——以《新视野大学英语》(读写教程)(第二版)为例