摘要AbstractAcknowledgementsIntroductionChapter One Bill Clinton’s Two Presidential Campaigns1.1 Political Landscape in the 1990s1.1.1.E nd of Cold War1.1.2.E conomic Stagnation under his Predecessor1.2.C andidate Clinton in the 1992 Presidential Campaign1.2.1.M edia’s Disclosure of Clinton’s Past Wrongdoings1.2.2.C linton’s Choice of New Media Strategy1.2.3.C linton-Media Convergence on the “Economy”Issue1.3.C linton as an Incumbent in the 1996 Election CampaignChapter Two The Media and Clinton’s Major Domestic and Foreign Policies2.1.D ivided Media Reporting on Clinton’s Economic and Social Policies2.1.1.F ailed Media Battle on Health Care Reform2.1.2. Successful Push for the Passage of NAFTA2.2.M edia’s Universal Support of the Kosovo War2.2.1.C linton’s Alleged Humanitarian Motive2.2.2.M edia’s Indifference to the Opposing VoicesChapter Three Media’s Pursuit of President Clinton’s Personal Scandals3.1.W atchdog on Clinton’s White House Intern Scandal3.1.1.E xtensive Reporting of the Lewinsky Scandal3.1.2.C horus for Clinton’s Resignation3.2.P ublic Reaction to Scandal Reporting3.2.1.P ublic’s Disgust with Media’s Excessive Reporting3.2.2.C linton’s Accomplishments Outweighed His Character WeaknessConclusionWorks Cited
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