ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature review2.1 History of rice cultivation2.2 Insect pests of rice2.2.1 Rice leaf folder and brown plant hopper2.2.2 Insect Damage2.3 Insecticides research on BPH and LF2.4 Fipronil (Regent) insecticide2.4.1 Fipronil residues in food2.4.2 Fipronil residue in water and soil of rice fields2.5 Resistance and cross resistance2.6 Sustainable agriculture2.7 Environmental fate2.8 Human health impactsChapter Three Material and Methods3.1 Location3.2 Materials3.2.1 Rice Varity3.2.2 Insects3.2.3 Pesticides3.3 Methods3.3.1 Treatments and designs of experiment3.3.1.1 Experiment in rice fields3.3.1.2 The Experiments in the lab3.3.2 Calculation of control efficacy against C.medinalis3.3.3 Control efficacy against BPH3.3.4 Determination of fipronil residue and impacts on physiology and Biochemistry in potted rice plants3.3.4.1 Determination of fipronil residue3.3.4.2 Determination of reducing sugar3.3.4.3 Determination of oxalic acid3.3.4.4 Determination of glutathione-S-transferase (GSTS)3.3.5 Statistical AnalysisChapter Four Results4.1 Effect of different treatments on control efficacy of BPH in the lab4.2 Comparison of control efficacy of different treatments under the Field experiment4.2.1 Comparison of control efficacy of different treatments against C.medinalis4.2.2 Comparison of control efficacy of different treatments against BPH4.3 Comparison of residual content of regent in rice plants following different treatments4.4 Effect of different treatments on the reducing sugar in rice plants4.5 Effect of different treatments on the oxalic acid in rice plants4.6 Effect of different treatments on the glutathione-S-transferase (GSTS) in Rice plantsChapter Five Discussion5.1 Effect of control efficacy of different treatments against BPH in the lab Experiments5.2 Comparison of control efficacy of different treatments against C. medinalis5.3 Effects of insecticides on biochemical substances in rice plantsChapter six Summary and conclusionReferences
标签:锐劲特论文; 扑虱灵论文; 乙虫腈论文; 稻飞虱论文; 水稻生理生化论文;