Abstract in ChineseAbstract in EnglishChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Significance of the Study1.2 Rationale1.3 Objectives of the Present Study1.4 Rough Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Rhetoric and Persuasion2.1 Rhetoric2.1.1 The Relevance and Importance of Rhetoric for our Times2.2 Visual Rhetoric2.2.1 Visual Rhetoric of Language2.2.2 Visual Rhetoric of Image2.2.3 Comprehensive Visual Rhetoric2.3 Persuasion in Rhetoric2.3.1 Goals of Persuasion2.3.2 Visual PersuasionChapter 3 Advertisements and Consumer Psychology3.1 Advertising as Persuasion3.2 Importance of Advertisements3.3 Advertisements and Consumers3.3.1 Components of Advertisement Communication3.3.2 Consumers—the Target Audience3.3.3 Influence on the Target Audience3.4 Consumer Psychology—A Process of Persuasion3.4.1 Consumer Perception Process3.4.2 Consumer Learning Process3.4.3 Consumer Motivation Process3.4.4 Consumer Attitude change ProcessChapter 4 Visual Rhetorical Perspective in Advertisements4.1 Visual Rhetorical Figures4.1.1 Properties of Visual Rhetorical Figures4.1.2 Taxonomy of Visual Rhetorical Figures4.2 Consumer Processing and Persuasive Effect4.2.1 Elaboration Likelihood Model in Consumer Processing4.2.2 Analysis of Consumer Processing and Persuasive Effect in Ads Based on ELM4.2.2.1 A Comparison of Consumer Processing and Persuasive Effect Using or not Visual Rhetorical Figures4.2.2.2 A Comparison of Consumer Processing and Persuasive Effect with Schemes or Tropes4.3 Boundary Conditions4.3.1 Culturally Difficulty in ProcessChapter 5 ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsPapers Published During the Study for M. A. Degree
标签:视觉修辞论文; 广告论文; 劝说论文; 消费者心理论文;