AcknowledgementDeclaration摘要AbstractContentsAbbreviationsTables and chartsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Gender and language: the issue1.2 Compliment: the language resources for the research1.3 The current study-Application of AS to gender and compliment1.4 Organization of this thesisChapter 2 Literature review on gender and language studies and studies on compliment2.1 Gender and language study.2.1.1 Defining Sex and Gender2.1.2 The development of language and gender theories2.1.2.1. Theory of dualistic opposite2.1.2.2 Social constructionist gender theory2.2 Compliment studies2.2.1 Overview: what is a compliment?2.2.2 Compliment formulas2.2.3 Compliment topics2.2.4 Compliment functionsChapter 3 Theoretical framework—APPRAISAL SYSTEM3.1.Overview3.2.Three Sub-systems of the APPRAISAL system3.3 More detailed explanation of the sub systems under ATTITUDE3.3.1 AFFECT3.3.2 JUDGMENT3.3.3 APPRECIATION3.4 Studies on APPRAISALChapter 4 Research Questions and Methodology4.1 The Research Question of this study: Gender and Compliments under AS4.2 Subjects4.3 Instrument and materials4.3.1 Discourse Completion Test4.3.2 Design of the questionnaires4.4 Analytical Tool4.4.1 AFFECTIVE compliment4.4.2 JUDGMENTAL compliment4.4.3 APPRECLATIONAL compliment4.5 Data coding system4.6 Single compliment, complex compliment & Non-compliment4.6.1. Single compliment and complex compliment4.6.2 Non-complimentChapter 5 Results, interpretation and discussion5.1 Gender and Attitudinal compliment ("AC ")5.1.1 Comparison between two gender groups on AC5.1.2 Gender differences in AC within two subject groups5.1.3 Comparison of AC between two subject groups5.2. AC to women VS AC to men5.2.1 General Comparison between AC to females and to males5.2.2 Comparison of AC to women and by each type of subjects5.2.3 Gender difference in terms of the AC paid to women and men5.3 Summary of findings5.4 Community of practice5.5 Further Findings-Chinese ACChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Summary of the present research and major Findings.6.2 Significance of the research6.3 Limitations of the Present research and Prospects for future workAppendix AAppendix BWorking Bibliography
标签:语言性别差异论文; 恭维语论文; 评价理论论文; 行为社团论文;