Abstract (Chinese)Abstract (English)Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the research1.2 Significance of the research1.3 Research questions and methodology1.4 Layout of the thesis1.5 Introduction of Thackeray's Vanity FairChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Relationship between culture and translation2.1.1 What is culture2.1.2 Cultural turn in translation studies2.1.3 Varieties of cultural studies2.2 Previous research on the relationship between ideology and translation2.2.1 Definition of the term "ideology"2.2.2 Previous research on the relationship between ideology and translation2.3 Previous research on Yang Bi's version of Vanity FairChapter 3 Rationale for the Present Research3.1 Systems theories and the manipulation school3.1.1 Even-Zohar's Polysystem theory3.1.2 Gideon Toury's Target-Oriented Approach3.1.3 The manipulation school3.2 Rewriting and manipulation3.3 Lefevere's theory about constraint factors in translation3.3.1 Manipulation by ideology, poetics and patronage in translation3.3.2 Weak points of Lefevere's triad theoryChapter 4 The Role of Three Factors in Manipulation of Translated Version of Vanity Fair by Yang Bi4.1 The manipulation of three factors on translator's selection of texts and translation strategies4.1.1 The manipulation of three factors on selection of texts4.1.1.1 Selection of texts before 19494.1.1.2 Selection of texts after 19494.1.2 The manipulation of ideology and poetics on selection of translating strategies4.2 Analysis of the role of the three factors in manipulation of Yang Bi's selection of Vanity Fair4.2.1 The Political Ideological and Poetical Factors4.2.2 The patronage's power4.2.3 The Translator's Ideology4.3 Analysis of the ideological and poetical factors in manipulation of Yang Bi's selection of translation strategies4.3.1 The ideological and poetical factors in the 1950s4.3.2 Yang Bi's adaptation of foreignization in translation of Vanity Fair4.3.3 Yang Bi's adaptation of domestication in translation of Vanity Fair4.3.3.1 The use of Four-character-pattern4.3.3.2 Free translation4.3.3.3 Sentence arrangement4.3.3.4 ParaphraseChapter 5 ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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标签:名利场论文; 操纵论文; 意识形态论文; 赞助人论文; 诗学论文;
论意识形态、诗学、赞助人对文学翻译的操纵 ——以杨必译本《名利场》为例